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How to sync Asana projects in different accounts via custom fields?

  • 10 July 2024
  • 5 replies

I need to sync a project between two different Asana accounts/organizations. Both organizations have a project called ‘Calendar’, and I need to keep the two in sync so that updates on either end will push to the other account.

Relevant Account #1 task fields:

  • Name
  • Notes/description
  • Due date
  • Completion status
  • Custom field: NU_task_ID

Relevant Account #2 task fields:

  • Name
  • Notes/description
  • Due date
  • Completion status
  • Custom field: MM_task_ID

I have set up a Zap to create a new task in the Calendar project in account #2, whenever a task is created in the Calendar project in account #1. It pushes the fields above (name, notes, due date etc); as well populating the custom field ‘MM_task_ID’ with the ID of the task in account #1 that has been duplicated.

… And a second Zap to mirror this so if the task is initiated in account #2, it will push to account #1.

I need to create a second set of Zaps for when one of these tasks is updated, and I’m hoping to use the two custom fields (NU_task_ID and MM_task_ID) to link the related tasks between the accounts.


In the example zap above, is it possible to add an extra step that would push the ID of the newly created task in account #2, back to the custom field of the task in account #1?

And if so, how can I then configure an ‘Updated Task in Asana’ zap to use those ID fields to correctly identify which task needs to be updated? I tried the Find Task in Project (Legacy) in Asana filter but can’t figure out how to get it to work.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I just can’t get this to work!

Hi @moniqueb 

NOTE: Zaps are not meant for 2-way syncs as you could create infinite loops:


Zap action: Asana - Update Task

Includes section for Custom Field Info

The Task field expects the Task ID, so you would map the Asana custom field variable to the Task field to pass the Asana Task ID.


Thank you @Troy Tessalone! I didn’t even consider the infinite loop issue! The filter suggestion is logical but I still don’t understand how to tell Asana which task to update in Account 2, when a change is made in Account 1 (or are you saying this isn’t possible?).


You would need to either have the Asana Task ID saved on the other Asana Task in a custom field to use in the Update Asana Task step or you would need to add a Zap action Asana Find Task to get the Asana Task ID to use in the update step.

@Troy Tessalone I’m totally stuck. Sending a work request through your website :-)


For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode, so we can see how you have the fields mapped.