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How to remove ClickSend records by ID in a two-step Zap?

This post was split from the topic: What is Contact ID for Stripe and ClickSendSMS?

I tried doing the intermediate step of “search” and that worked, but because I am on the free plan, I can only have the two steps. Is there another field I can use to identify the record in clicksend to remove and achieve the removal in two steps?
TIA - Garry.


The Zap trigger step would have to provide a data point that includes the ClickSend Contact ID to keep it as a 2 step Zap.

Mailchimp record does not know that though… it seems unique to Clicksend

I am sending through email, name, and phone to clicksend only.

Clicksend assigns its own contact_id when it creates its record which Mailchimp does not know.

Would be fine if I could specify the clicksend record to delete by way of say, the email address which is unique.


The ClickSend API requires a Contact ID to delete a Contact.


Ok… thank you. So - it cannot be accomplished in a two steps, as Mailchimp does not know the contact_id vale in clicksend.


It can be accomplished in 2 steps, IF the Zap trigger step provides a data point that has a value of the ClickSend Contact ID.

e.g. If you passed Mailchimp the ClickSend Contact ID via another automation or manually, then Mailchimp could return the ClickSend Contact ID in a Mailchimp Zap trigger step.

I had a look… clicksend only provides one trigger event which is receipt of an SMS.

So there is no trigger from clicksend, say, for when a new subscriber is added on which I could trigger the sending of the contact_id back to Mailchimp.


Many thanks for your guidance … one followup question…

When a new subscriber is added to Mailchimp, the ZAP works fine, resulting in the record being added to Clicksend.

Clicksend sends a RESPONSE record back to the Mailchimp API to say “success”, but it also includes the contact_id field and value.

Is there any way to have Mailchimp API take that value from the response and update the Mailchimp record with that field and value?

(I have a question in to Mailchimp about that)




Zap action: Mailchimp - Add/Update Subscriber

You can send that ClickSend Contact ID to a Mailchimp MERGE field


Sorry .. I don’t follow…

Does this require a trigger from Clicksend, and the response is the action you mentioned above?

Clicksend only has one trigger available (New Incoming SMS)
I believe there would need to be one trigger action such  as when a new record is added to clicksend, but there isn't any such available.

Sorry to be painful… I do appreciate your assistance here 


If you are using an automation to ClickSend Create Contact, then that will return a ClickSend Contact ID.

You could add another Zap step as described above to send the data back to Mailchimp.

All depends on your data flow for triggers/actions.

Zaps with 3+ steps require a Zapier paid plan to turn ON.



I am using a ZAP which is triggered by the Mailchimp Subscribe to create the record in Clicksend. That all works fine.

I do see that a “success response” is generated by Clicksend which includes the contact_id, but I guess Mailchimp just ignores that.

I see no other way of getting the Contact_id from Clicksend over to Mailchimp.

I see no triggers available on Clicksend (I see only one - when clicksend receives an SMS)


Note: I want to keep all Zapier ZAPs to 2-step. (Free plan)


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Mailchimp - New Subsciber
  2. Action: ClickSend - Create Contact
    1. Returns the ClickSend Contact ID
  3. Action: Maichimp - Add/Update Subscriber
    1. Add the ClickSend Contact ID to a custom MERGE field


Note: I want to keep all Zapier ZAPs to 2-step. (Free plan)

There is no way to do it with only 2 steps.

Thank you Troy - most appreciated