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How to reference a new Google sheets row that triggered a zap in a later task in that zap?

  • 10 January 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi all,

I have a zap that is triggered on a new spreadsheet row in a Google sheet. The zap immediately sends me an email. It then delays a second email by one business day to give our team time to complete a task, and after that one business day passes, sends an email to a recipient that is detailed in one cell of the new row.

What I would like to know is if it’s possible for me to place a lookup spreadsheet row task in the zap after the one business day delay, filter based on a value in the row that originally triggered the zap, and if the value is true stop the zap and prevent the final email from being sent. (Essentially, we would check a box on the spreadsheet, and I would tell the filter to look to see if that cell value was TRUE; if it is, stop the zap, and if it’s FALSE, continue to send the email.)

Is this possible? If so, how do I tell the lookup task to reference specifically the new row that was created to originally trigger the zap?

Thank you!

Hi @bdleblanc 

Good question.

You can add this Zap action: GSheet - Lookup Row


Thanks @Troy Tessalone. Couple of questions:

Does it matter that this is on a team drive? I know that sometimes those can be a little squirrelly. 

I don’t want to do bottom-up because we have different rows added at different times, and I want this action to be specifically related to the row that triggered this zap run. How do I tell it to only look for that one row? Is there some way I can pass the data (like I would with a data range call in Google Apps Script) through the zap so that I can reference it in the task, and say in effect “I am looking for the row that contains this specific data in this cell, then look for the value in this column on that row”?


You would map the Row/ID from Step 1 to the GSheet Lookup Row step.


@Troy Tessalone Perfect, that was the puzzle piece I was missing! Thank you!!

YAY! 😁🎉 Thanks so much for following up here to confirm the solution @bdleblanc, it’s much appreciated. And big thanks to Troy for his help on this! 

Seems like you’re all set but please do reach out to the Community again if you need any further help. 🤗