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How to Create a Zap for Different Stripe Products?

  • 5 February 2024
  • 5 replies


I’m a new Zapier user on the free tier so far. 

I have 6 different product links and payment plans on my website. When someone clicks on a product to purchase I need the ability to kick of a welcome email from my ESP whenever someone buys any of those payment plans. The email can be the same, that doesn’t matter as much as I don’t want that email sent to customers when they purchase other products outside of those six.

Is there currently a way to do this in Zapier? I was using the Stripe New Charge trigger but didn’t see where I can select my product links.

Thank you, kindly.

Hi @sportygal45 

Try adding a Filter as Step 2:

Hi @Troy Tessalone Thank you! It looks like I didn’t select a Test Record in my Trigger. I’m a bit confused though because the Stripe Test Records are all ones that are expired, or test charges themselves. Do you know how I would add one of these records that would reflect my new payment links?


Try testing the Payment link, then click the Find new records] button in the Zap trigger.

Hi @Troy Tessalone You’ve been so helpful, thank you! I’m almost there. When I look for the record and click Find New Records I’m still not seeing my payments. It could be because no one has purchased using those links yet. When I choose the Zapier trigger “Checkout Session Complete in Stripe” I do some of the payment links. Can I use that trigger instead? What’s the different between that one and the “New Charge” trigger? Also, do I need to create 6 different Zaps for each of the payment links? Thank you! 


Yes, try using the Zap trigger: Stripe - Checkout Session Completed

Descriptions of each Stripe event: