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How do I avoid looping in Pipedrive after the deal update trigger run for the new calendar event in Google Calendar?

  • 30 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi, i cant figure out how to set up zappier automation for Pipedrive deal update trigger.

I have a fields in Pipedrive, and after some update only for those fields I need to update a calendar event (update or make new if cant find a calendar). After that I to need update PD with new calendar link, and new note.

And that make a loop.

I try several ZAPP filtrs, but unsuccessful.

I try to make a filter, and try to trigger if deal update matches this filter. For first time zappier work, but when i remove deal from filter (PD automatization - YES / NO for one field) and when it cam back to filter - second time zappier don't work. 

Any suggestions how to avoid looping?

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Renars,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind sharing a detailed screenshot of how your Zap is configured? Also, please share screenshots of the “Action” section of all of your action steps that shows all of its fields. Like so:

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.


hi, thanks for response.


There are my screens:

ZAP trigger when deal get in Pipedrive specific filter.

Next step: ZAP filter.

If we update deal calendar to freeze stage, ZAP do not change any info in existing and new calendars (google).


Pipedrive filter:


YES and NO automatization:

When specific fields are changed (important for calendar event)

deal is updated (field: CAL UPD > YES)

And after 1 min deal updated to ( field: CAL UPD > NO)

YES or NO its  trigger PD to get in or out from filter (this filter trigger in ZAP).


For the first time ZAP run, but when deal again go to NO and trigger back to YES, ZAP don't run again.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Renars,

Thank you for the screenshots and additional details.

It looks like you have reached out to our Support Team regarding this issue. I’d recommend continuing the conversation with our Support Team via email since they have the correct tools to look closer at the Zap and its logs.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.