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How to automate adding Apollo leads to a specific Pipedrive pipeline & deal stage with Zapier?

  • 10 January 2024
  • 8 replies

Hi there. New to automation and setting up workflows so incredibly rusty. 


I am sourcing leads on Apollo for outreach. I want to select leads in apollo, then add them to a list (i segment my lists based on various criteria, for various purposes) - I then want zapier to pull these contacts that have been added to a certain list, through to pipedrive and added to a specific pipeline & deal stage. 


I imagine there may be some other steps i need to work with, although this is my first automation and realise that this may not work but I cant fathom why zapier isnt giving the option upton selecting a ‘filter’ step, to select ‘list name’ then ‘text value’, ‘must have’.


So, i want to include a key word in my list name that matches a pipeline name in pipedrive, then have zapier send the contacts right on through, creating deals, contacts and companies in pipedrive with all relevant info.


More to come. Thankyou!

Hi @OJ1995 

Did you test your Zap trigger step to get example record data to use to configure your Zap action steps?

Try using the Filter as a Zap step:

If you still need help post screenshots of your Zap steps to give us context.

Hi Troy,

I have indeed used that step, however zapier doesnt provide the option to isolate list name values?



To help us have context, please post screenshots of your Zap steps.

this is what it shows. However, these titles were auto gen by the AI, the steps dont have the relevant data in them to execute the zap.


Alternatively, if someone would like to explain what ‘adding a contact in apollo’ means - as apollo does not describe actions like this within their platform. 

So… Adding a contact does not have any relevance when looking at apollo. Adding a contact to a list… now that happens.

So why doesnt zapier recognise that as a trigger? 


You need to edit the Zap to configure each of the Zap steps to map variables between the Zap steps.

Help article for how to configure Zap action steps:


Zap Apollo triggers with descriptions.


Troy, thanks for that. However this makes no sense to me whatsoever. Could you care to explain in a different way?





Here’s a video for Zap 101:

I also recommend reviewing the other available help articles for getting started with Zaps: