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How do I send an email template when a deal stage and dropdown selection changes in Hubspot?

I am trying to create a work around for automated emails and I think Zapier can help. I want it so when I moved my deal in hubspot to another stage and it has a specific field then it will send a automated email? I have put this in the AI bot but I am having a few issues adding an extra field apart from the pipeline and deal stage. Also I am having an issue linking the email to the deals contact. 

I just want to check is this possible and what is the path to do this?

Hi @crossfitware 


In order to do that you will need to add a filter AFTER the trigger that has this other field as an argument. It will not be added in the trigger. 


Hope this helps



So would it look like this with a filter inbetween?


Yes @crossfitware , exactly. 

@MohSwellam the filter only gives me this ID option?


You need to click on the Trigger and test it, click on load more records

@MohSwellam I dont understand? This is not an option? When I test it doesnt do anything?


Click on Update Deal Stage (the trigger) and click continue, it will ask you to Test Trigger

@MohSwellam do you know how I link to the deal contacts email?



You will probably need another step which is Find Contact which would then find the contact associated with this Deal so you can find their email address

@MohSwellam It doesnt seem to allow me to find the contact connected to deal? Do you knwo the path to this?



Dont go to “Custom” , go to “First Search Property Name, you should do it with the ID (if its one of the properties)

@MohSwellam does this look right to you? the test seems to fail


Hi @crossfitware,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Could you please send a screenshot of the error you’re running into after testing the action step?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Hi @crossfitware 


No, if you want to search the associations to get the Contact, then in the 3rd field (The type of the object you want to search the association) should be the Deal since you are using the Deal ID. Then at the bottom the type of association would be Contact.