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How do I send a slack message after a google calendar meeting depending on the calendar in one same zap?

  • 22 May 2024
  • 3 replies

So I have my main account for my team in calendar, and then everybody shared me their individual calendars.

I need to create a zap to send a message on slack showing all the meetings of the day regardless the calendar of origin. So everybody knows everyones meetings.

Is there a way to avoid creating 10 different zaps (1 per team member)?

Hi @agenciaeremo 

Please clarify which Zap app trigger you are trying to use for GCal with screenshots.




If you are trying to search for and get all of the GCal Events for a date (range), then you would need to use the GCal API:

  • Custom Action (with the help of AI)
  • API Request



Thanks for the answer!

Sending a screenshot. This is for one calendar event from calendar one to user in slack.

But, i want that, depending on the calendar, to which user zapier sends the message. Make sense?

I know i can do this separately on different zaps, but i just want to save some work


For that GCal Zap trigger, the Calendar field is required and only allows selecting 1 Calendar.

That means separate Zaps would need to be configured.

Zaps can be duplicated.