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How do I pull custom fields from HubSpot and trigger an email in Zapier based on the deal stage and field status?

Ive been having some problems pulling custom properties/fields from Hubspot to Zapier.

This is how I what I want from my Zap.

When a Deal is moved to either 2 of “Deal stages” and a Custom field is “YES”

Then Find the Contact for that deal and use the their email to send them an email.
This is what it looks like when I have tried to set this up.

However I have decided to start again so that you can help me get this right as their are problems all over the place. So let me start with my first issue.

When I create the trigger of “UPDATED DEAL STAGE IN HUBSPOT” its all fine but I can only select 1 Deal Stage. Which is frustrating as I want the option to OR. Maybe this is not possible and ok thats fine I can just create a second ZAP.

So no I will create a Filter to filter the Custom Property/Field which in my case is “Migrate from GoCardless to Stripe” and the options in Hubspot is Checkbox “YES” or “NO”.

However it just brings up No Data when I have definitely got the field filled. 

This what I need help with first? Any thoughts.

Hi @crossfitware 

Make sure to use a Zap trigger example from HubSpot that has a value for the desired property field.


Your Filter condition is configured to compare the same property to itself so it will always evaluate as true and pass.

Instead, set a static value for the bottom/right condition.


@Troy Tessalone Would you be able to expand “has a value for the desired property field” means.

And so with the filter you are asking for me to put “YES” or “TRUE” in last fill? What do you make though of it collecting “no Data” I only did that to show you it wasnt collecting the data that is there.


This means the specific example record from HubSpot in step 1 has “no data” (missing/blank/empty) for the property in HubSpot.

Make sure to select a HubSpot record with an existing value for the property field.

In the Zap trigger step, you can click the Find New Records] button to pull fresh HubSpot record data to use to configure the Zap action steps.


For the Filter condition static value, you’ll need to put a value that is representative of the values that will be returned from HubSpot for the mapped property.

From your screenshots we can’t tell what those possible values would be, so you’ll have to test and adjust.

@Troy Tessalone so the deal I have tested with has the field/property that is needed to pass. You can see underneath the first screenshot. 

The Value should be “Yes” so do I just type in yes here?



When in doubt, test it out.


This shows a static value of “yes” as the bottom/right condition value.

Try testing your Zap Filter step again.

Try turning the Zap ON and testing again.

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:


@Troy Tessalone so If in the Data Out on Step 1 does not have the information I need of custom field that I need in step 2 how do I make it grab that information?


Try testing with a real example that has that data HubSpot property populated before doing the event that will trigger the Zap.


Try turning the Zap ON and testing again.

Check your Zap Runs history details to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step to help you trace the data flow and troubleshoot:

Hi @crossfitware


We want to know how your Zap is based on Troy’s recommendation. Is everything working with your Zap? Let us know if you need further assistance. Thanks!

Thank you, @Troy Tessalone and @JammerS. Troy has helped me a lot and I have managed to get my automations working!

That’s awesome news @crossfitware! A huge thanks to Troy for pointing you in the right direction!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗