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How do I pass a User ID using an OpenAI Zap?

  • 20 December 2022
  • 10 replies

Good morning! I’m using the OpenAI Prompt integration to build out an SMS and FB Messenger flow for a new product and I love it. Everything is working amazing.

I’m just wondering if anyone knows how to pass a User ID using the zap? It isn’t a field you can set in Zapier when you build a zap, but it is available in the API for OpenAI.

I’m looking to add this so I can keep context for users when they message my bot. Basically right now without a user ID, the prompt replies all treat it like a brand new conversation without the history of the user’s questions, etc.

If it isn’t something possible yet, how do we request that feature/addition to the OpenAI integration?

Hi @jwilt 

Good question.

Feedback and feature requests can be submitted via a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged:

Hey there, @jwilt! Thanks so much for reaching out - so glad the OpenAI seems to be working so far for you. 🤗

That’s great feedback on how userID’s can be used! As Troy mentioned, I’d recommend opening a ticket with my teammates in support and they can log a feature request for you. 🙂 While it doesn’t guarantee implementation it does allow us to track and gauge interest for new features in the app.

Thanks for flagging this in community!

Thanks! Just submitted to support.

any update on this concern? Thanks!

Hey there, @Britz! Thanks for reaching out.

While I don’t have any updates, I did add your vote for this feature request. While it doesn’t guarantee the feature will be added, this is the best way to stay in the loop if and when this gets implemented as we’ll email you. 🙂 We’ll also be sure to share here in the thread as well.

We appreciate you sharing your feedback!

Hey there, @Britz! Thanks for reaching out.

While I don’t have any updates, I did add your vote for this feature request. While it doesn’t guarantee the feature will be added, this is the best way to stay in the loop if and when this gets implemented as we’ll email you. 🙂 We’ll also be sure to share here in the thread as well.

We appreciate you sharing your feedback!

Thanks @christina.d . Did you manage to have an alternative like Webhook POST? I tried it, it gives me response from OPEN AI including its "id". But when I try to Post to openai api, it is not accepting the "id" . By any chance, do you know how to do it manually?

Great idea to try using a webhook instead, @Britz

I’ve done some checking and I’m not seeing any details of any webhook workarounds mentioned on that feature request. Did you get any error messages giving more details of the why the ID wasn’t accepted?

I’m thinking, if it’s not accepting the ID then maybe it’s being sent in a format that they weren’t expecting. I’m not super familiar with their API but looks like the Making requests section of their API documentation outlines how they are expecting webhook requests to be made:


I’d recommend double-checking OpenAI’s API documentation to make sure that the webhook step you set up matches what they’re expecting to receive. 

Hope that helps, please do let us know how you get on with this! 

@SamB , I was trying to post a prompt with different kinds of request arguments to maybe accept the “id”, “conversation_id” etc. of OPENAI API. I always get this kind of result:


Maybe it is not really ready yet for API to run for continuous conversation. I hope we soon we can have an identifier for the conversation.



Thanks for sharing this! Sorry to hear it still wasn’t working even with webhooks. 😔

We’ll be sure to email and keep the thread updated if and when that endpoint is supported on our end! 

Hey friends! Wanted to swing by and share some good news!

The ChatGPT app is now live and would work as an alternative solution for this use case! ⚡️

Check it out and keep us posted with any q’s! 🙂
