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Hi there,

I’m new to Zapier and trying to create a zap that connects Pipedrive with Asana.

Basically, when a deal gets updated (change a value in the ‘value’ field) I want to create a new text task in Asana. I want this to apply to only that field.

I am sure this is sooooo basic but honestly struggling to work it out, please can someone help?

Thanks in advance!


@Andrew Bowers 

Yes, Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook


Do I do that in Zapier?


@Andrew Bowers 

Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This will generate a unique webhook URL to use in Pipedrive.

Thank you so much for coming back to me. If we use webhooks, is the endpoint url Zapier or Asana? and would it be the generic url?

Thanks so much for your help!




Hi @Andrew Bowers 

Good question.

2 options:


Use the trigger: Pipedrive - Deal Matching Filter

Configure a Deal Filter in Pipedrive to detect changes to the field.


Configure webhooks in Pipedrive:

The webhook data will contain the current/previous data for fields.

Then a Filter step can be configured with conditions to compare for changes.