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How do I create a Google Sheet that pulls data from HubSpot deals and validates closure value with Stripe?

  • 12 June 2024
  • 6 replies

I am trying to create a Google sheet that pulls deal data from HubSpot and validates the deal amount from Stripe. Our sales team does not update the actual deal closure value on HubSpot and as we receive payments through stripe, we can possibly track the actual deal closure value via stripe.  


To solve your challenge, we'll create a Google Sheet that automatically pulls deal data from HubSpot and validates the deal amount from Stripe. We'll use Google Apps Script to set up triggers and automate the data flow. This approach ensures your sales team's data is seamlessly synchronized and validated without manual updates. Key points:

  • Google Sheets as the central hub for data integration.
  • HubSpot API to pull in deal information.
  • Stripe API to fetch transaction details and validate deal amounts.
  • Google Apps Script to automate data fetching and validation, ensuring real-time updates and accuracy.

Thank you so much for your response.


While I am sure this will work, this seems to be a tad too technical for me.


Can you please suggest a video or someone who could show me how to do this?



A struggling employee 

Hi @Krish-M, I think I can provide a solution for you but want to make sure it applies to your use case.

Can you walk me through a detailed example of what this would look like in the real world? Also, do you have a unique identifier you use that’s the same between a HubSpot deal and the Stripe payment?

Thank you!

Hey there, @Krish-M 👋

Just wanted to check in to see how you’re getting on with this. Were you since able to get the desired workflow between Google Sheets, Stripe and HubSpot set up? 

If so, we’d love it if you could share some details of your implemented solution here. And if you’re still stuck on this please let us know - happy to assist further! 🙂

Hey Sam,

I am still trying to get this done. I have exchanged multiple emails with the zapier support team.

If only they could join me on a call and sort this out… :(


PS- I am totally new to Hubspot and Stripe

Thanks for getting back to me @Krish-M. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve not been able to get this sorted with our Support team yet. 

It looks like Support are waiting on a further response from you but I’m happy to provide some additional help here in the meantime. Looking at the support ticket it appears that the current issues are as follows:

  1. The names of the HubSpot deal owner are needed not their IDs.
  2. SPIFF PAID and QUARTER fields exist in HubSpot but aren’t available to select from the New Property Deal Change (HubSpot) trigger.
  3. Can’t connect Stripe account with Zapier - need to see the transaction value for each HubSpot deal so this can be added to a custom property in HubSpot.

I’ll do my best to address each issue below but do let me know if I’ve misunderstood or have missed anything from the Support ticket!

Missing deal owner names 

There’s a Get Owner by ID action for HubSpot that should allow you to retrieve the Deal Owner’s name using their ID. You need to select the Deal information: Deal Owner field from the HubSpot trigger like so:


And then when you test that action it should get you their first and last name:

Then you can select those First Name and Last Name fields from the Get Owner by ID action in any necessary subsequent action(s) in the Zap where you need to reference the name of the deal owner.

Missing SPIFF PAID and QUARTER fields

If the New Property Deal Change trigger doesn’t provide those fields then perhaps you can use the Get Deal action to retrieve the information from those missing fields. To do that you’d need to add a Get Deal action and select the Deal information: Record ID for the deal from the trigger. Then in the Additional properties to retrieve section you’d select the relevant SPIFF PAID and QUARTER fields:


Stripe Connection issues

Are you getting any errors when connecting your Stripe account to Zapier? If so, can you please share a screenshot of the error you’re getting then we’ll go from there. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing.

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!