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How do I connect Classy transactions to Bloomerang, and how many Zaps per transaction using Zapier?

I am curious if there is anyone that is using Zapier to transfer Classy transaction data into Bloomerang. Would love to know how it is working for you and approximately how many “zaps” are used per transaction.  Thanks so much. 

Hi @JonathanG 

Info about Task usage in Zap Runs:


Review the available Zap app triggers/actions:

Thanks @Troy Tessalone for the reply. I appreciate the insight. I am really looking for a business/non-profit who is using both Classy and Bloomerang to get an idea of how much they are paying each month of course basing it on how many Classy transactions they have or how many “tasks” are needed for 1 Classy transaction from a donor to get the correct information into Bloomerang.  Thanks.


Which Bloomerang Zap action(s) would be used?


Task usage depends on these factors:

  • # of Zap steps
    • Zap trigger steps count as 0 Tasks
  • Which apps are used in the Zap steps
    • Some native Zap apps count as 0 Tasks
  • Volume of Zap Runs
    • In this case based on the # of Classy Transactions



  • Zapier plans can be paid monthly vs annual (save 33%)
  • Discounts: Non-profits get a 15% discount on a single plan for your organization



It would be mainly used to integrate donations from Classy into Bloomerang: amount they gave, what the donation was for, and contact information. 


For the Zap action Bloomerang Create Donation, it requires a Constituent.

That means a Zap action step is needed before to Find/Create Constituent.

IF it is ONLY those 2 action steps, then each time a Zap Run successfully it will use 2 Tasks.


it is able to sync it to the correct “campaign” within bloomerang so the funds are designated to the correct account?


You can review the fields for each trigger/actions via the links.

I don’t see a field for Create Donation that is includes the term “Campaign”, but it may go by a different label.

Some fields are conditional and depend on the selection of other fields, so often the only way to know for sure is to try configuring and testing a Zap step.


Review the available Zap app triggers/actions:


In the Bloomerange API docs for Donation Create Model it shows: Campaign ID


NOTE: Additional Zap step logic may be needed to derive the correct Campaign ID to set, which would use more Tasks when the Zap Runs.


thanks…  this is why I would love to hear from someone who is actually using it with their business to get a better idea of exactly what is needed. :-)



Might be a while before someone chimes in that has done the exact same same integration with the exact same requirements.

Most workflows are slightly different based on a user’s own biz rules.

Often the fastest and surest way is to configure a Zap and test as that is the only way for your to know for sure with your app connections and logic configured.


Hi @JonathanG ,
We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance with your Zap. We're glad to address any concerns and assist you.
We're looking forward to your response.