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How do I capture Wix order custom text & options in Zapier for Google Sheets?

Hi there, 

I’m working with a client to send order details from Wix to Google Sheets. We have several personalize custom text that’s included in the order as well. 

However, when I try to find new records, Zapier doesn’t seem be able to retrieve them (they have 7 orders at this point of time). 

And the dummy record provided doesn’t include personalized custom text or product options either. 

I’m hoping that someone might be able to assist me on this. I’ve included images to show what this looks like on Wix’s side. 


Hi @KhairyARH 

You may need to test after the Zap trigger has been created, then try to pull thru fresh examples in the Zap trigger step to configure the Zap action steps.

Otherwise, you may need to try using webhooks in Wix:

Zap trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This will generate a unique webhook URL to configure in Wix Automations.

Hi Troy, 

Thanks for the tips. I’ve tried publish the Zap and then test it but it still won’t pull any records. There are 13 records there now and 1 of them got through to GSheets. 

I won’t be able to use Webhooks as the Wix belongs to the client and there is an ongoing issue with Collaborator accounts for Wix.

I guess no one is using Wix with Zapier at the moment? 

Hi @KhairyARH On your comment “ the dummy record provided doesn’t include personalized custom text or product options either. “ → Are you able to see the personalized custom text/product opions when you tested out the Wix step under “Test”? Sample screenshot attached.



Hi @fiona819

I’ve tried that but I will have to wait until the next order comes in since I’m unable to transfer existing records. 

I’ve search for custom fields and found this: 

Additionally, the Product Options were also used but I couldn’t find any in the dummy records:



fyi...Zaps that are turned ON work for new data going forward.

@Troy Tessalone Yes they do. Entries have been coming in. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to capture the fields that I require.


Check your Zap Runs history to see the DATA IN/OUT for each step.

If there data points come thru in the Zap Step 1 DATA OUT, then you can try to create your own named variable:


Hi there, @KhairyARH 👋

Just checking in to see if you need any further help. Were you since able to get this sorted using named variables as Troy suggested?

If not, can you see the custom fields in the recent runs in the Zap History? If the custom fields are there but still missing in the test records for the Wix trigger, then perhaps you could try manually selecting them in the Google Sheets action using the custom pill mapping workaround outlined here:

Hope that helps. Please do keep us updated on how you’re getting on with this - eager to ensure this gets sorted! 🙂 
