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How do I automatically update new rows in Notion Database from Attio List using Zapier?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 8 replies

Hey everyone, 

I’ve a little question about an integration. 

I’ve created a database in Notion where there is all my client updates (next meeting, contact, lost reason, witch email sent...), thoose informations are in my CRM Attio. 

When there is a creation of a new entity on my Attio List i would like to automatically update my Notion Database with a new raw and all the information. 

Now, i’m able to update my database but just the first raw, so i loose all the information of the previous client.. 

Thanks à lot for you help, 

Have a good day,


Hi @Ludovic D 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types and field descriptions.

Hi Troy, 

Thanks for you help, 

Here is the screenshot of my actual Zap : 

Here is my database in notion :

I would like to know how to put the next trigger in the 2nd raw and the next one on the 3rd raw etc….

​​​​​​​Don’t hesitate if you have any question. Thanks a lot !

@Ludovic D 

Can you post screenshots with how you each step is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types and field descriptions?

I think i don’t understand well what you are asking. Can you explain how to access the “each step is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field types and field descriptions” ? 

Here is my Zap : with this link you can have access to my zap. 

@Ludovic D 

Click the EDIT Zap] button in the Zapier Editor.

Your screenshot shows how your Zap steps are OUTLINED, but gives us no context about how your CONFIGURED each step.

Unfortunately, sharing a Zap does not allow us to see how you have each Zap step configured.


Unfortunately when i click on “EDIT ZAP” i only get this view. I will screenshot every step, wishing it can be understood. 



@Ludovic D 

In Step 3, for the Item field, map the ID of the Item found in Step 2.


Ok Troy, i tried it, it wasn’t working because my 2nd step needed to be a creation and not a finding step. 

Now with this zap : 

I’m able to do what i want ! Thanks for you help. Have a good day. 
