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How do I automatically invite ClickFunnels 2.0 upsell buyers to my Skool community?

  • 17 May 2024
  • 8 replies

Hi So I have built a Video Sales Letter Funnel In Clickfunnels 2.0. The first product is a course and then they get a one time offer (upsell) of a skool membership community. I want to be able to send them an invite to my skool community once they buy. But Im having difficulty with this. 


Here is a loom where I explain in detail a bit more: 


Hi @Billy de la Borda 

Some things to try…


Search for @ to see if there is a variable value that is an email address.


If the CF Zap trigger returns a Contact ID, then you can use another CF search step to find the Contact by ID to get their Email.


Hey Troy, I did not find the variable email. This is an upsell, so I asked for the email on the first offer, not on this upsell. 

@Billy de la Borda 

Does CF return the Contact ID?


If the CF Zap trigger returns a Contact ID, then you can use another CF search step to find the Contact by ID to get their Email.


This is what Im trying to do: 


This is what I see in Zap: 


@Billy de la Borda 

For the CF Zap trigger being used, post screenshots that show the returned DATA OUT.

Trying to determine if a Contact ID is returned from CF.

If a Contact ID is returned from CF, then you can add this Zap step: CF - Search Contacts by Email or ID

Is the returned Data Out?: 



@Billy de la Borda 

Are those ALL of the fields returned? (looks like there may be more)


Have you tried reaching out to CF Support for possible guidance about how to get the Email for your use case?

Hey @Billy de la Borda,

I was looking over this chain and wanted to see if I could help.

I understand that you are attempting to trigger your zap based on the purchase of the upsell within that funnel step, but there are many ways to trigger a zap

(For Instance) If you tagged all upsell purchasers with a specific tag, then created a zap based on a contact having that tag (instead of the invoice), then you would have access to all of the contact’s information to be able to automatically sign them up for Skool (meaning you are operating the zap from the entire contact profile instead of the single funnel page action)

Now another way to look at this is that you could also trigger a separate email specifically for those who have purchased the upsell to invite them to sign up for your Skool community; however, I would say that the choice of which path is best is based on the user experience you want your customers to have. Furthermore, if you need them to take any other actions once they have access to your Skool community.

Last idea is that you could have two different thank you pages in your funnel - one being the redirect if they did purchase the upsell verse ones that did buy the upsell and you could have the Skool invite directly on the thank you page and only those who purchased the upsell would ever see the invite. 


Happy to help you narrow down the best tech solution for the business requirements, but the best way to build tech is to identify the business + customer requirements (in words/no tech) and work backwards from there for the best fit tech solution 😉 that also helps avoiding conflicting tech setups down the road when you grow + expand 😊 


Hope this helps!! 

-The Business Cowgirl 🤠