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How can I use Zapier to integrate full Intercom conversations into Dovetail notes?

  • 29 July 2022
  • 5 replies

I want to use Zapier to integrate Intercom with Dovetail ( I don’t want single messages to be zapped, I want the ENTIRE chat conversation. Can it be setup so a conversation in Intercom can be tagged or a topic added so the whole thing ports into a Dovetail note?

Hi @trabajar 

Good question.

Sometimes the best way to determine if the desired data is returned is to configure a Zap and test.


Perhaps try using this Zap trigger: Intercom - New Closed Convo


Or you can try this Zap trigger: Intercom - Tag Added to Convo


I’d like a direct answer, please. The tags referred to there are for individual messages. I need to know if there is a trigger for the entire conversation. That should be easy to answer for Zapier. 


To clarify, I do not work for Zapier.

FYI: Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves, not by Zapier.

So unfortunately, the intricacies for each trigger/action are not always thoroughly documented, thus the need to configure and test a Zap to determine the actual behavior and data returned.


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support to see if they can provide additional guidance:

Hi @trabajar, thanks for reaching out. I wanted to see if you were able to get this sorted?

As much as we’d love to know the ins and outs of over several thousands apps, the truth is in many cases we’re relying on our users familiarity with the apps they’re using and/or leaning on them being willing to test zaps with us. I imagine it can feel tedious but as Troy mentioned, setting up a test zaps is usually a great first step to troubleshooting! 

In this case specifically - I did some digging and you’re right -  neither of these appear to be pulling the full conversation. That said, there’s an open feature request for pulling the whole conversation with the “Tag Added to Conversation” trigger. If you think that would suit your current workflow, I’m happy to add your vote to it. While it doesn’t guarantee implementation it does allow us to track interest and keep you in the loop if anything changes.

Keep us posted on your thoughts. 🙂

Hey folks,

Just wanted to stop by here to announce that the feature request Christina mentioned here has now been implemented. Now the Tag Added to Conversation and New Closed Conversation Intercom triggers will now return the entire conversation! 😁🎉

That said, if you’re not able to see the full conversation with those triggers please do let us know by reaching out in the Community or by getting in touch with the Support team directly and we’ll be happy to investigate further. 

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️