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Hello everyone!

My cloud based software performs tons of monthly mini-transactions (1-5 euro) to a single customers.
I don't want these transactions to be charged to Stripe every time to customers. Nor do I want Stripe to issue tax invoices to customers (due to Italian tax legislation).

So I need that:
- The customer makes a transaction on my site
- This transaction generates a draft invoice on Stripe (which is not sent to customers, nor charged to the customer)
- At the end of the month I would like Zapier to collect all these invoices in a single track to pass it on to Quickbooks which then takes care of issuing a single invoice

All this is necessary to avoid multiple customer charges and comply with Italian regulations.

Thanks to anyone who will help me!

Hi there @Feld1985 - Thanks for the question! It looks like you could use FIlter by Zapier to stop the Zap after it creates the draft invoice on Stripe. That way, if it exceeds the 6 Euro mark, then the Zap would continue. Let me know if that worked out for you.

Hi Steph and thanks for the reply!

I believe that the solution you are proposing to me is not for me. In fact, the method you suggest to me could allow Zapier to invoice only the invoices> 5 euros, but this is not my problem.

My problem is making Stripe generate draft invoices of any amount without any problems (and I already do this) but then they are sent in bulk to Quickbooks which generates a single invoice.

Here is an example (for a single customer):

  • Day 1: Stripe generates 2 draft invoices for an amount of 4.50 euros each
  • Day 3: Stripe generates another 4 draft invoices for an amount of 3.50 euros each
  • Day 7: Stripe generates another 7 draft invoices for an amount of 2.00 euros each

On Day 15 I would like Zapier to collect all these 13 Stripe draft invoices and import all the data (also with different line items) into a single Quickbooks invoice with a total value of 37 euros.

I hope I was clear, sorry for my poor english :)

Did you manage to find out how to make a Stripe draft invoice through Slack? I don’t see any premade options, did you use webhooks? and if so do you mind sharing a template?