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How is this still not sorted? pulling reviews/recommendations from Facebook doesn’t include the user name who submitted the review/recommendation.

If you thought pulling reviews to place on your website was important to have the user name who posted it... you would be correct… its very important as it shows credibility. 

There is no reason why the name can’t be pulled as other solutions (elfsite, embed social etc) can pull all the information.

Hi @Elected 

As documented in facebook website, it looks like they do send user information along with reviews, zapier probably trims the information: 

You can make request to Facebook graph API using Webhook by Zapier to get the user information.

Hi @Elected 

We do have a feature request open for this and I can see that you’ve already been added as an interested user. 

When we are pririotizing feature requests, we consider the complexity of the feature, how many users have requested it, and the scope of the feature. I'm sorry I don't have a more definitive answer here. Thank you for your patience and we will send you an email if there are any updates!