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Create Zap that runs every other day

  • 12 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello everyone,


I have Zapier integrated with my time tracking service, Harvest. I was able to setup a zap that triggers daily to create a time entry in Harvest. I’d like to change it to every other day, but I don’t see the options on how to do this. I’d appreciate any knowledge available. 

Hi @KEM_Data

Should it only trigger on weekdays?

Try adding a Filter as Step 2 in the Zap:

If you still need help, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

I’d like to have it run M/W/F. Thank you for the feedback. I will try your suggestion and update.

@Troy Tessalone Is there a way to add a step in existing Zap? I’d like to avoid deleting what I have but not finding the option to allow me to stick a step in?


You can EDIT a Zap to add steps.

Edit button is at the top right in the Zap Editor.