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I am trying to pass information from facebook leads to SQL Server and it generates this error


The row could not be sent to SQL Server.

Cannot convert from Unicode 120120 to SQLWCHAR. Value is too large.


I have tried switching to all the different data types that SQL Server allows but none works

helpme please


I'm going to flag this post for the Zapier Community Team. They should have more insight on this and can escalate to the support team if needed.

Sit tight, and someone will contact you soon.

Thanks Andrew!

Hi @GUPTY , I see you have been working with Support on this and appear to be affected by an open issue with special characters causing an issue in SQL Server.

You have been added to a report about this so that the app's technical team can look at it. This does the following:

  • Re-raises this issue with the app’s team
  • Adds weight to the issue in queue
  • Reminds us to update you once this is resolved

Once there is an update, you'll definitely be notified! In the meantime, please let us know if you have any additional questions!


@Liz_Roberts  @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu 
Perfect, I hope I know of a quick solution that my client urgently requires.


Thank you

Hi I have the same issue. It Happen when a lead contain special chars like  hearts or smiles.

Can I manage the issue from the zap directly or I have to set some different options to my table in sql server ?

Hi @AdminServiceEvolution ,

I see you are working with Support on your specific configuration. I will let them continue to troubleshoot but please let us know what resolution you reach!