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I've tried numerous times to make a connection with Discord, but everytime I try to do so and grant alle the requested rights to the zapier bot, it returns an error message saying that “This bot has reached the maximum number of servers". I'm not sure what it means by that.

The only thing the documentation advices me to do, is allow the bot to set webhooks. Since the bot hasn't even managed to show up, I've temporarily given @everyone the right to manage webhooks. When that also didn't work I switched of all the permissions the zapier bot requested, save the webhook permission. And even that didn't work. 

I'm running out of ideas. How can I solve this problem?

@Liz_Roberts Hello, I am also impacted by this issue, please kindly add me to the impacted users.

I have the same issue as well, could I also be notified?

I, as most others, am also experiencing this issue. I believe it’s due to recent changes on Discords end. There are a couple bits that I’m trying to setup with the same issues. I suspect support here will have to contact Discord support to resolve it. 

@chunkyRice I’m afraid that this is a bug with the Discord integration so there’s nothing that you can do to fix it at this point. We’re working on solving this issue as quickly as possible and I’m really sorry for the trouble caused in the meantime. 

I’ve added you to the list of affected users for this issue, which means that you’ll get an email when we have an update. I’ve also added the following users from this thread:

  • @NerusTv 
  • @ComputerCoder 
  • @I am new hahah 
  • @Kkid 
  • @nidaren 
  • @Tachonix 
  • @fpatten 

I’m running into this issue as well. Could you notify me as well please? Thanks

I’m running into this issue as well. Could you notify me as well please? Thanks

Is there an ETA for when this will be fixed? I also have the same problem :(

Me too guys. 

Please do it asap and add me to the list :grin:

same! can I be added to the list too? @Danvers 

Appreciate it!

Hi there @chunkyRice - Thanks for reporting this bug. We’ve alerted the team of this error and they’re currently investigating this issue. You’ll be contacted directly once we implement a fix. Sorry for the trouble!

Actually I myself am a discord bot developer and just wanted to tell,
This issue is created because of new update to discord api;
It now requires the bot developers to specifiy which intents they want to use in there code;
Javascript documentation;
Python documentation;
I would love to see the issue get resolved soon ✌️

Also Ig your bot has crossed 100 server mark which excludes it from collecting presence data


Hello there! Echoing others, we are also seeing this issue occuring when trying to add zapier to a server. If possible could we recieve a ping for further information, as we will be relying on Zapier for Bug Reporting in an upcoming beta of one of our games. Thanks, Arwyn.

I’m having this issue also:slight_frown:

I am impacted by this issue as well! Please add me as an impacted user! 


Hello, please add me as an impacted user as well :)

Hi there @chunkyRice - Thanks for reporting this bug. We’ve alerted the team of this error and they’re currently investigating this issue. You’ll be contacted directly once we implement a fix. Sorry for the trouble!

Actually I myself am a discord bot developer and just wanted to tell,
This issue is created because of new update to discord api;
It now requires the bot developers to specifiy which intents they want to use in there code;
Javascript documentation;
Python documentation;
I would love to see the issue get resolved soon ✌️

Also Ig your bot has crossed 100 server mark which excludes it from collecting presence data


All what u can do is write a script with which every time a bot join 99 servers a new bot is made and that is assigned to next people 
Please add me in the mail and fix the issue soon 🙏

@beta gamma Its taking them more than 10 days to write such a thing or give us any ETA. Quite disappointing

@Liz_Roberts Same issue for me! Please add me to the report. Thanks!

Might as well throw me into this list - having the same issue, which I am assuming is a sitewide issue with anyone trying to connect any Zapier bot to Discord.

I’m having this issue too. 

How is this not fixed yet? Pretty frustrating..

@Danvers Please add me to the email list for when this issue will be resolved. Thank you!

same problem… please add me!

same boat, still awaiting on fix.

Can you add me @Liz_Roberts? Thanks!

Having the same issue, please add me as well, thank you! @pfp7