Have you seen the new and improved Zapier blog?

Categories: Product Updates Resources
Have you seen the new and improved Zapier blog?

Exactly a week ago, the Zapier blog got a pretty massive makeover. If you’ve read any of the Automation Inspiration articles here in the Zapier Community, then you’ve come across a few of our wonderful blog/content team members. I’m pleased to announce that you can now have a much more enjoyable experience while reading our blog :)

New features include

  • a home page (including featured articles and entry points into both our content and our product)
  • category pages (allowing visitors to see related content for both parent and child categories)
  • a sub navigation (making it easy to navigate content).

Here’s a quick look at the before and after:

If you haven’t checked it out, you should take a look 🙂 And if you have seen it, what do you think? 

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