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After over 2 year of using this Zap (Mailchimp campaign → Wordpress Post) it has suddenly stop working. Even if I create a new zap from zero, with new connections, it keeps giving me this message when I reach to the “test zap” step: 

Failed to create a post in WordPress

Bargle! There was a problem with the data returned from this step! Please contact support.


I have tested all of my connections and they are working, I have tried different Mailchimp audiences too. 

Does anyone have an idea on why did this start to happen suddenly? 

Hi @BigData HOSBEC

Are you still encountering the same issue as stated above? We want to troubleshoot with you and ensure that this is addressed.

Kindly post a screenshot of the Zap showing how it was configured so we can troubleshoot further. Please remember to obscure any personal information in the screenshot.

We’re looking forward to your response.

Hi @BigData HOSBEC 

For us to have more context, post detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.
