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seriouslyyyyy guys, cant be that hard where the onus is with us the WP Admins dicking around with security plugins etc to accomodate zapier plugin? Interesting to see though your plugin hasnt been / had any maintenance whatsoever in 3 years? is there something we should know? 


It would be best to submit that feedback via a ticket to Zapier Support to be properly logged:

Hi @Troy Tessalone ,

The context is that most reliable plugins get updates every month on Wordpress, Zapier is apparently forgetting about the biggest CMS in the word by neglecting Wordpress.


The “zapier wordpress” plugin has 2/5 stars.   Here it is


It has some reliability issues and I’ve fought it by pure trial and error.  As a ZapierPro user I’m forever praying this gets sent to engineering feedback.


Hope that helps.

Hi @garth 

Good question.

Can you post screenshots to give us more context about what you are referring to?
