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We are summarizing a Purchase Order and posting that as an Update in In order to do that we have a step to Find the Project that the order was placed for and then we will pull details from Find step and post that information. As you can see in the screenshot below, the variables I have to choose from are not typical and instead Zapier is combining ALL FIELDS into one variable. Typically, each field is it’s own distinct variable I can select. Why is this happening?




Here are the steps:


Hi ​@FrankP 

Monday is returning the data from Zap step 2 as an array, where each array item is an object with variables.

  • ID
  • Type
  • Value
  • etc.


You will have to use additional Zap steps to handle the returned data from Monday to transform it into their own variables.


Help link for handling line items in Zaps:


Related Guide:



Hi there, ​@FrankP 👋

Did Troy’s suggestions help resolve things, or did you find a different solution?

Keen to hear how things are going—let us know if you still need any help!
