Webflow - error: "The collection structure changed since the last publish"

  • 29 July 2022
  • 2 replies

Webflow - Error 400



Anyone facing this issue. Please make sure that you republish your website and then click on test and review.


Took me 2 hours to figure this out.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Lakshaya Counselling!

I’m sorry that you ran into this frustration! To help other users out, can I double check what you’re saying? You’re using Webflow and ran into a 400 error (could I ask what trigger or action you were using?) but it was resolved when you republished your website and then retested the step in your Zap, is that right?


Hi Dan,


Sorry I was using my client’s ID (Lakshaya Counselling) their. 

I was trying to pull user data from Memberstack and create them as items on webflow.

Before I ran the test on my zap, I made a few last minute changes on the collection on webflow but probably forgot to publish it.


And the problem was I could see all the fields on zapier just fine but I guess they were never created on the main website (since I did not publish) so I kept getting the same error which was (The collection structure changed since the last publish)  and in the zapier’s troubleshoot help it just mentioned that I might’ve left a required field blank. 

So it took me a while to realize the problem.


Hope that helps :)
