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Rapidmail double opt-in mail is un-personalized and not sending the welcome email

  • 10 May 2023
  • 1 reply


I created a zap for newsletter opt in between elopage and rapidmail - it is workong and if I do single opt in, all is workig well. - But if I choose the double opt in method(which i prefer), the delifered mail is unpersonalized - instead of my name the header is “Newsletter” and I am not recieving my welcome mail - just a very unpersonal welcom. Anyone an idea, what am I doing wrong?


Many thanks,


Hi @melmat27, welcome to the Community! 👋

Hmm, I’m not seeing rapidmail in our list of supported apps. Were you sent an invite link to use the app? Or are you using a Webhooks by Zapier action to send the email newsletter out?

If you were sent an invite link then it’s likely that the rapidmail app might still be under development which may be related to the cause of the issue here.

That said, if it’s only personalising the email if double-opt in is not selected then I suspect that it’s due to the user not being opted in at the time that the newsletter is sent. My thinking here is that it is only able to access personal details for the user once they’ve opted in.

Do you think that could be the case? Or is the user you’re testing with already opted in to receive the newsletters?