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Lost my zap and can't edit the config, but the zap is still operational - after a change in account email

  • 22 July 2022
  • 1 reply


I build an important business zap in the free version and deployed it, it works perfectly. 


We upgraded the account to paid and the email of the account was changed to the person with the payment authority.

I have just logged on using the new credentials and my zap is missing.  Its is still running and working but its lost for editing.

Can you help please?


Hi @Kevin Lea!

Can I ask if you’re using Google or another Single Sign on option? Or if the previous log in did? If the person who’s email is now the owner of the account first logged in using one method and you’re now using another, that can cause a new account to be created, so you wont see the previous Zap. 

Either way, it sounds like you’ll need the Support Team to take a look at the account/s to make sure that you have the right access to it as that’s not something that we can help with in the Community (for security reasons). Could you please get in touch with the Support Team using the Get Help form? Thanks!
