Google My Business Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service
Getting these messages for the past few days:
Trigger partner failure: Unable to retrieve reviews: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:466514807953'.
This is not a problem withmy Zaps. This seems indicative of a platform limitation between Zapier and Google APIs. Please advise.
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Can I please be added to “the list”? I’m encountering this issue.
I solved it by publishing without doing a test first. Once published I edited the zap and it worked
Hitting the same error :’(
Can I please be added to list of affected people? I’m encountering this issue.
Any update? This issue is infuriating.
Also happening here, has anyone found a fix?
Can I please be added to list of affected people, too? Thanks
I solved it by publishing without doing a test first. Once published I edited the zap and it worked
Facing the same issues… but I would be interested to know what AA GG meant by publish without testing and then edit it, does this really solve the problem?
wow.., this erorr has been happening for the last 1 year.., and nothing has been resolved??
Crazy insane..
Same issue.
I am facing the same issue. It seems this is a year old problem. As the project number is same for everybody, this seems to be an issue between Zapier and Google Reviews. Please guide if there are any possible solutions.
Error code: Error while retrieving: Unable to retrieve reviews: Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:466514807953'.
same problem here and it is crazy that there is no solution to it.
Hello @Habito Dev, @inspectorben, @faaris, @JavierMadreamiga, @Dubs24, @AA GG,, @Fran LV, @xavierB, @Erica Diaz Team, @HIG, @Kurav13, @Athar A. Khan, @Rohit Kochar and @vnwind. I’m truly sorry we missed your message here, I’m honestly not sure why we didn’t receive any notifications for them.
This is being worked on but I can’t make any promises as to well it will be resolved by. I can confirm that you’re all definitely on the list of folks being affected by this so you’ll get an email notification from us as soon as it’s resolved. And we’ll be sure to post in the thread here as well to confirm once it’s been fixed.
Thank you all for your continued patience, we’ll post any updates here once we have them.
For anyone who comes across this thread please use the @ mention feature to mention me (@SamB) directly to ensure I get a notification.
@SamB Can I please be added to the list of affected people? I have the exact same issue. Thanks!
Hi @MarArr,
I have added you to the list of affected members. We will keep you in the loop via email once the bug has been fixed.
I appreciate your patience and understanding.
@SamB@ken.a this is happening to me, too. I only just setup the Zap and I’m running the Test Step and getting:
Quota exceeded for quota metric 'V4 General Requests' and limit 'V4 General Requests per minute' of service '' for consumer 'project_number:466514807953'.
I have tested it 3 times so far, spread across 5-10 minutes. This definitely shouldn’t be a quota issue.
@SamB@ken.a if I delete and recreate the action exactly as it was, it starts to work, even if I only got the quota error message recently.
That is most odd @cloudartisan, but I’m glad that recreating the action appears to have resolved the issue for now.
I’ve added you to the notification list at any rate to help increase it’s priority. We’ll be in touch with everyone impacted by these errors as soon as they’ve been resolved.
@SamB@ken.a it happened again in one of the Zap runs. I received an email about it. However, when I re-tested it myself with the same data it worked fine.
It happened again on a single run. Re-tested it manually, without making any changes, it worked fine.
Hello. I received a notification today from Zapier informing me that this issue has been partially resolved by the addition of a new Review Trigger. The email urges developers to switch to the new trigger. However no info has been provided on how to do this and we cannot find the new trigger in the Zap editor.
Could anyone pls shed some light on the correct was to migrate our Zaps to the new Trigger to finally resolve this issue.
Ty in advance
@SamB please add me to affected user list. Really wanted to automate my business instagram posts to google my Business. thank you
Hi @cloudartisan, @Keith Gauci and @stephenmallory
@stephenmallory - I’ve added you to the bug report so you’ll get an email notification as soon as it’s been officially closed.
@Keith Gauci - I’ve just checked on the bug report for this issue and you’re right, the New Review trigger was indeed updated in the latest version of the Google My Business app on Zapier. Previously, the New Review trigger was a polling not instant trigger which was contributing to the cause of these quota exceeded errors. The new version of the New Review trigger is an instant trigger so it will only trigger once a new review is sent to the Zap, instead of regularly checking Google’s API to see if there is a new review (polling trigger). You can learn more about polling and instant triggers here: Types of triggers in Zaps
In the meantime, to switch to the new trigger you’ll want to upgrade to the latest version of the Google My Business app: See our Update to the latest app version in Zaps guide for more details.
Then select the New Review (instant) trigger in the Event field: Please note, that you may continue to see a “Quota exceeded...” error when pulling a new test record (as it uses the same method as the previous polling version of the trigger to bring in new samples) but you can skip the test to continue with the setup and turn on the Zap.
@cloudartisan - I’m so pleased to hear that the errors on the Google My Business actions are going through successfully when replayed. Are you still running into these quota errors frequently? Or has the frequency of these errors reduced since the new version of the New Review trigger was introduced? Just wondering if the introduction of the new version of the trigger is helping to reduce the quota errors for Google My Business actions as well. Looking forward to hearing from you on this!
Hello, we are trying to automate the posts in My Google Business but it says the same error:
Is there a workaround and solution for this?
Thanks for reaching out here @Max Helios.
As mentioned in my previous reply here an updated version of the New Review trigger has been added which should help to prevent these errors in the Google My Business trigger. But a fix has not been found for the Google My Business actions yet. Although, these errored actions appear to be going through successfully when they are replayed later on so I’d recommend replaying any errored actions in the meantime.
I’ve added you to the list of folks that are being affected by these “Quota exceeded...” errors. While I can’t give an estimate as to when it will be fully resolved, you’ll definitely get a notification from us once it is. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here in the meantime, it’s very much appreciated.