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I’m trying to create a LinkedIn posting automation. I’ve created a notion database where I create posts for LinkedIn with the following properties: featured image, publish date, status, and text (the post).

I want the automation to post the ttext] at the tpublish date and time]

But when I run the zap, it’s showing the following error:

Please let me know how I can automate this.


And I have another question.

In the Action section, What does the Comment field mean? What data do I need to put in there?

Hello! I enjoy thi conversation to tell that “comment” is the actual “Copy” you want to share in the post. 


Is there a way to program ina certain date the post if I instroduce the date in one of the columns of my database?



Hi @Yato,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Have you filled out any of the “Content” fields? If so, the “Content URL” field is required when you fill any other content fields.

Hopefully, this helps.

Hi @Yato 

The Comment field is required.

The Comment would be the comment of the LinkedIn Share Update.

