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Dropbox Create or Append text file cannot locate previously created file

  • 9 February 2024
  • 6 replies


I am trying to generate a Txt file containing text generated sequentially in a loop. 

The new file is created in the same ZAP before the loop with some content in it.

Inside the loop, more text is generated and I am trying to add it to the previous file.

When I set up the ‘Create or Append text file in Dropbox’ action, it returns the error message fil/folder not found.

I have tried using the following field from the previous step of ‘Create or Append txt file in Dropbox’ (each one separately):


File Name

Direct Media Link

Share Link.

All of them return file/folder not found, apart from ‘Direct Medi Link’ that returns a file name that is too long.

Any suggestion on why it is not working? Should search for the file first?

Thank you


Hi @VittorioP 

For us to have context, we would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.


Hi @Troy Tessalone,

Thank you for answering. Here following is the ZAP with the file creation and the main loop. I can create a new file with the content generated but not append it to a previous one.

I have added some transformations to numbers to have the execution done sequentially (to avoid locking the file)




Personal space is defined, but not shown here.


The File Name field expects a File Name.

I don’t think you want to use the FIle Path as the field value.

Instead, try using the name of the File from Step 6.


I tried all the fields available:


File Name

Direct Media Link

Share Link

But it cannot find it. I have also tried to use a Dropbox find action, and it can find the file. Something with file permissions on Dropbox?


As an alternative, you can use GDrive/GDocs to append text to a file.


You may have to try using the Dropbox API via one of these actions:



I cannot use Gdrive for company policy; I must use Dropbox. I will try the other options that you mentioned. Thank you!
