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New in Zapier Manager: Automatically share reports of your Zap’s activity

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New in Zapier Manager: Automatically share reports of your Zap’s activity
Noah Manger

UPDATE - August 20th, 2024: The Create Zap Report action is no longer available. You can export a CSV of Zap Runs (does not include task usage data) or for Enterprise plans there is an option to download CSV reports of Zap runs, task usage, error rates etc. See Review your account usage in the analytics dashboard for more information. 

Hi everyone, I’m a product manager at Zapier and I just wanted to announce a small feature we’re now beta testing to make it easier to keep tabs on what your Zaps are doing. 

“Create Zap Report” is a new action in the Zapier Manager app that can generate a report of a given Zap’s activity for the last seven days:

When it runs, the action will return the information about the Zap and summary data like:

  • Successful runs: The number of times the Zap ran without an error

  • Times triggered: The number of times the Zap triggered (whether or not it completed successfully)

  • Tasks used: The total number of tasks used by the Zap

  • CSV (file and URL): A CSV file with the raw data for each step (can later be used in fields that accept files, like an email attachment), and a URL to that same CSV

  • Start time: The beginning of the reporting period

  • End time: The end of the reporting period

All data is for the seven days prior to this Zap running.

To try this out, just use this Zap Template which uses Schedule to run every week on 9am on Monday and Email by Zapier to send an email with a pre-formatted message that looks like this:


You can customize the day of the week and time you want your Zap to run, choose the Zap you want to report on, and the body of the email and who to send it to. Maybe you want to send your boss a weekly report of how many leads came in based on the number of successful runs:



You could even replace the Email step with a later action of your choice, like adding the data to a Google Sheet or whatever else you want! By monitoring the Zaps that power your business you can generate high-level insights into how things are going, keep your team in the loop, and more. We’re excited to see how you use this!

For now, this action is only available via a Zap Template, so click here to get started.

If you have any thoughts or feedback on this action, including any requests for how we can make it better or ideas for how you’ll use it, please chime in below!

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17 replies

  • Zapier Expert
  • 469 replies
  • March 4, 2021

Ooo I’m always looking for new functionality within Zap Manager, so thank you @Noah Manger for working on this!

Question, why does it require a zap to be selected? Could we have it run for all zaps in a given folder, or in a given account? As an agency with multiple clients we want to monitor our client accounts and there are multiple (dozens) zaps running in each folder within each account, it would be cumbersome to create a monitoring zap for each zap. 

Noah Manger
  • Author
  • Zapier Staff
  • 6 replies
  • March 4, 2021

Thanks @PaulKortman ! That’s something we’ve been considering as a possible enhancement, and were curious if folks would want it. So glad to hear that would be useful! 

  • Zapier Expert
  • 469 replies
  • March 4, 2021

@Noah Manger to be clear it’s only useful for me/my agency. I suspect the average user wouldn’t need this feature, but I could see it becoming viable for a user who wants to watch their task usage very closely. on a daily/weekly level for example to ensure no overages… Or if they want to be alerted to anomalies like spikes in task usage...

  • Zapier Staff
  • 21 replies
  • March 15, 2021

Hi @PaulKortman !

In the meantime, one possible workaround for this would be to add a Looping by Zapier Step before the Create Zap Report Step with a comma separated list of the Zap IDs that you want to get reports for. By mapping the output of the loop value into the Zap field as a custom value, you could repeat the actions for multiple Zaps and send those reports where you need.

  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • September 24, 2021
PaulKortman wrote:

Ooo I’m always looking for new functionality within Zap Manager, so thank you @Noah Manger for working on this!

Question, why does it require a zap to be selected? Could we have it run for all zaps in a given folder, or in a given account? As an agency with multiple clients we want to monitor our client accounts and there are multiple (dozens) zaps running in each folder within each account, it would be cumbersome to create a monitoring zap for each zap. 

I agree.  For a Folder or individual zap

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2653 replies
  • September 24, 2021

Thanks for the feedback, @pgonyon! I’ll be sure to pass along your thoughts and make sure your votes been counted for this feature. 🙂While we don’t have a time frame for when this could be available we’ll be sure to keep you and this thread in the loop if it does get implemented! In the meantime, it might be worth checking out the workaround my teammate TimS mentioned: possible workaround for this would be to add a Looping by Zapier Step before the Create Zap Report Step with a comma separated list of the Zap IDs that you want to get reports for. By mapping the output of the loop value into the Zap field as a custom value, you could repeat the actions for multiple Zaps and send those reports where you need.

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • March 27, 2022

I would simply like to see the Task Usage information included in the daily Zapier Activity email report.

Include this and I’d be quite happy!


  • Beginner
  • 1 reply
  • April 13, 2022

Hi all, 

I used the template linked above but I’m getting this error. 
Is the Beta for this functionality still active?




  • Beginner
  • 5 replies
  • November 16, 2022

I’m getting the same error as LL-GOM. Are you able to resolve?

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • February 14, 2023

Also receiving the same error as above.

The latest message I’ve seen addressing this was back 11mo ago, has this feature been deprecated?

  • New
  • 1 reply
  • February 21, 2023

Same error here.

Same error. Maybe @Troy Tessalone knows what’s up?

Has this feature been deprecated? Seeing a lot of posts from almost 12 months ago and still no resolution? Can the Zapier team provide an update?

Romie Zaper

I’m trying to test it right now but I’ve got stuck. Apparently the Trigger part of this app is working. Except that when I try to pull the data for a test, instead of pulling an actual real data is giving me Generic Template data. (See Example Below):

My intention is to create a Zap that will automatically sends the Full Payload of “Data In” to a google sheet, every time an Stopped-Errored or Stopped-Halted occurs on a specific folder or Zap (See example below):

Right now, I can set the trigger (Zapier Manager + New Zap Error), I can set the Folder and or Zap, but when the system parse the data it’s not loading in Full (See first picture). And when its time to export the payload we are having the same problem since is not giving us access to the full payload of that error. 

Can you please advice if this will be solved, or if is there any workaround to allow us colleting the detailed error data? The main fields that will make sense to have it available so we can actually use this tool with purpose would be: 

Date of the Error/Halted: (Date Format)
Error Type: (Example as per picture: “The app returned: 502” )
Zap Name: (Text Format)
Zap ID: (Number or Text Format)
Zap Folder: (Text Format)
Error Link: (The same one you guys already send over the email)
Payload: (Same as “Data-In” - Or if you want to be really good for the community you could present these fields individually) 

I really believe that this should be a piece of cake for your developers, since you already have all the data recorded there (You even send us via email). So maybe its just a matter of mapping these fields so they can come on the Zapier Manager when we use it as a trigger….

Looking forwards to hearing from you. 


Any lead when this feature will be back? i sent two tickets since last spring. I think this feature can help a lot of us that are trying to track the task/price from long complexe and multiple path zaps.


  • New
  • 1 reply
  • August 20, 2024

Yeah we get a different error but the template can’t be used.  We have some zaps built for customers that can’t be reported on and so we need to manually check the task overusage and onbill our clients instead.  

Pretty ironic that you can’t get this data out of a data automation tool, right?

Same as @HSLC, that we just want the number of task usage for a given zap for a given month or total zaps consumed in a folder for a given month.

Heck, even just getting the raw CSV would be great cause we could then parse it ourselves.


Are there any other methods to get this data now that this template doesn’t work?

Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 7487 replies
  • August 20, 2024

Hey folks 👋

Thanks so much for reaching out here @Keltec! I just came across your message and noticed that we’d missed the messages from @HLCS, @LL-GOM, @dianasy, @daw_am, @roque, @Bart Velox, @KevinPeterka, @Romie Zaper and @Pierre Prince in the thread here previously—so sorry about that!

I did some checking on that Create Zap Report action and can confirm that it has indeed been deprecated. I’m truly sorry that the Create Zap Report action has been removed from Zapier Manager, and hope it’s something that can be reinstated. I can’t see any existing feature requests for it to be restored so I’d suggest contacting our Support team to submit a new feature request for that to be added so we can get it on the team’s radar. You can do that here:

It’s possible to manually export runs from your Zap History which will send you an email with a CSV file containing a list of all the Zap runs that took place but, it won’t give a summary of the number of tasks used. However, folks on Zapier’s Enterprise plan can access analytics reporting for their Zaps and task usage, with an option to download the full reports in CSV format. You can learn more about this here: Review your account usage in the analytics dashboard. Neither are ideal alternatives I know as they both involve manually requesting the CSV export rather than setting up an action to send the report but hopefully it will be helpful in the meantime. 🤞