Hey Zapier community! This post is dedicated to highlighting some of the bug fixes and new features added to integrations over the month of February. We'd love to hear what you're most excited about in the comments below.
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Find Contact: 404 error when not found causing step to be marked as 'Stopped' when it shouldn't be
- Bug: New Contact Trigger: Trigger is not triggering because the 'list' key in the trigger payload has a value of 1 instead of 0
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Trigger: Form Submitted Duplicate hooks
New triggers:
- New Updated Employee (Include Custom Fields Changes)
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Include manager supervisor info in triggers and 'Find Employee'
- Bug: Find Employee Missing Fields
New triggers:
- New Lead
New actions:
- Create Lead
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Add or Update Contact: Attributes not updated
New triggers:
- Budget Cost Changed
- Budget Hours Changed
- Budget Progress Value Changed
- Document Deleted
- Document Updated
- Safety Observations: Processed Observation Edited
- Safety Incidents: Incident Deleted
- Safety Incidents: Incident Reported
- Safety Incidents: Incident Completed
- Safety Incidents: Incident Review Submitted
- Safety Inspections: Inspection Submitted
- Safety Inspections: New Inspection Assigned
- Safety Observations: Observation Processed
- Safety Observations: Observation Reported
- Safety Observations: Observation Deleted
- Safety Trainings: Safety Training Completed
- Safety Trainings: Safety Training Deleted
- Safety Trainings: Safety Training Edited
- Safety Trainings: Safety Training Scheduled
New actions:
- Create Break Entry
- Create Budget
- New Bulletin Post
- Create Custom Training Material
- Create Document
- Create Per Diem
- Create Schedule Item
- Create Time Off
New searches:
- Search Budget (Single)
- Search Budgets (Multiple)
- Search Per Diem (Single)
- Search Per Diem (Multiple)
- Search Per Diem Requests (Multiple)
- Search Per Diem Requests (Single)
- Search Time Entry Log (Multiple)
- Search Time Entry Log (Single)
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Sudden Increase in Hydration Errors for 'Invitee Created' trigger
- Feature: [workaround] Invitee Created: Select or Filter on Event or Appointment Type
- Feature: Deny auth and return error when users on Free or Essentials plan attempt to connect account
- Bug: Find User Error: getCurrentUserOrganizationUri is not a function
Campaign Monitor
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Add Subscriber Action Configure Section Not Loading and Error Returned 'We couldn't validate this step'
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Conversation: Add support for o3 models
New actions:
- Add Tag to Subscriber
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Contact Submitted Form trigger ignoring the page filter selected in the Trigger configuration
New actions:
- Create New Document
- Create New Document Page
- Edit Document Page
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Postback Receiver Scan Trigger doesn't provide a webhook URL to setup the service
New triggers:
- New Shift in Scheduler
- Updated Shift in Scheduler
New actions:
- Find Sub-Job
- Send Private Message (DM)
New searches:
- Find Sub-Job
- Find Task Label
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Form Submission: User Hitting Rate Limit With No Zap Runs
New actions:
- Email to PDF
- Redact PDF
New triggers:
- Lead Status Change
Delay by Zapier
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Halted Exception: The service is temporarily unavailable 502 Bad Gateway error not autoreplaying
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Ability to attach images/files to new messages
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Possible Regression in Docusign v1.4.0 – getEnvelopeDocumentsList Returns null
- Bug: Trigger: Envelope Status Updated 15 Minute Delays in Triggering
- Feature: Find Document/Envelope search action
- Feature: Trigger on Signed documents
- Feature: New 'Upload File as Template' Action
- Feature: Action Create Signature Request Add support for numbers type custom fields
- Feature: New Action Find Template Documents
- Feature: New Action: Create Draft Signature Request
- Feature: New Action: Void an Envelope
- Feature: Envelope Status Updated Include 'Reason' data when a document is 'Voided'
- Bug: Trigger: Envelope Status Updated Trigger Custom Fields Address and Phone Not Populating
New actions:
- Parse CSV File
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: New File in Folder: allow trigger to trigger from Root folder
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Multiple Triggers and Actions reporting 'The app did not respond in time. It may or may not have completed successfully' error
EngageBay Marketing
New triggers:
- Instant New Form Submission
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: 'Instant New Form Submission' trigger 'live' data is missing form submission data
- Bug: New Contact in List doesn't trigger when multiple contacts are added
New triggers:
- New Milestone
- New Phase
- New Project Task
- Updated Phase
- Updated Project
- Updated Project Task
New actions:
- Create Phase
- Create Project Task
- Update Milestone
- Update Person
- Update Phase
- Update Project
- Update Project Task
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: New Action: 'Update Project'
New actions:
- Update Merge Request
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: 'Update Merge Request' Action
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Send Email to or from Google Contacts Group
Google Contacts
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: [workaround] Updated Contacts Triggering on unchanged Contacts
Google Docs
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Add Team Drive support for Creating Documents
- Bug: Can't Create Document from Text in Team Drive to specific folder
- Feature: Append Text to Document: Add Team Drive support
- Bug: Upload Document and Find Document unable to find a folder from a Shared drive
- Feature: Update Trigger: 'New Document in Folder' Allow to trigger off of shared folders and not just folders they own
- Bug: Create Document from Template Action not showing Shared Folder or Files
- Feature: Add Inline Image Functionality to 'Create Document' Actions and HTML
Google Forms
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New/Update Form Response Trigger Missing Form Selection in Configure Section
Google Sheets
New actions:
- Create Spreadsheet Row at Top
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Update Spreadsheet Row: Data Out doesn't match Data In
- Feature: Update Delete Spreadsheet Row to support BatchClear/Line Items
- Bug: New Row Team Drive trigger new columns added to the sheet are not retrieved during polling if the Zap is updated to a new version without cycling off and back on
- Bug: Lookup Spreadsheet Rows Advanced: 'Invalid array length'
- Bug: Create Row action getting 'Unable to parse range' error due to brackets and numbers in worksheet name.
- Bug: Update Spreadsheet Row: Oops! You passed too much data XXXX bytes to your dehydration function try slimming it down under 12000 bytes (usually by just passing the needed IDs).
- Bug: Create Multiple Spreadsheet Rows action throws Cannot read properties of undefined reading 'map' error since version 2.1.3 Offer workaround
- Bug: New Spreadsheet Row Trigger not pulling all columns from worksheet
- Bug: Lookup Spreadsheet Rows Advanced Fails with 400 Error When Retrieving 370+ Rows Due to API URL Length Limit”
- Bug: Create Spreadsheet Row action: action does not seem to respect locale settings on sheet.
- Feature: Give 'Add Row' Action the option to add the row at the top instead of the bottom of the sheet
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Subscription Trigger Repeatedly Adding Same Subscriber
Jira Software Cloud
New searches:
- Find Issues (Via JQL)
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Find multiple issues by JQL
- Bug: Authentication expiring frequently even though no permission or access settings has not changed
- Bug: 401 GET error: Trigger partner failure: Error fetching updated issues
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Create or Update Contact no value posted for custom fields
New triggers:
- Task Completed Automatically
- Task Completed Manually
Less Annoying CRM
New actions:
- Delete Group Membership
New triggers:
- New Customer
- New Customer Need
- Updated Customer
- Updated Customer Need
- New Initiative Update
- Updated Initiative Update
New actions:
- Create Customer
- Create Customer Need
- Add Label to Issue
- Remove Label From Issue
New searches:
- Find Customer by ID
LinkedIn Ads
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Custom Field keys change when you change their order
- Bug: New Lead Gen Form Response 400 and 409 errors not triggering
- Bug: New Lead Gen Form Response: missing triggers
- Bug: New Lead Gen Form Response Organic Content: Sample data differs from live data
- Bug: New Lead Gen Form Response Sponsored content Error while hydrating data from LinkedIn Ads: Error trying to fetch share data
- Bug: New Lead Gen Form Response Sponsored content Intermittently missing answers
Little Green Light
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Import Constituent/Gift Data: custom field values don't seem to be passed along.
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Receiving Multiple Hooks for New Email Parsed Trigger
New searches:
- Find Lead by Field
Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Action: Create Custom Entity display 'Notes' or 'Annotations' input field
- Feature: Clarification on Microsoft Subscription Requirements for Zapier Integrations
Microsoft Excel
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: No worksheets showing in the worksheet dropdown in the editor for 'New Row' trigger and 'Add Row' action
Microsoft Teams
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: Update Action: Reply to Channel Message — add/support Message Text Format field/option
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Note Not Triggering
New triggers:
- Client Added or Updated
New actions:
- Archive Database Item
- Restore Database Item
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: New Action 'Delete Database Item'
New searches:
- Retrieve Deal
New find or create:
- Find or Add Deal
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New or Updated Incident trigger: The 'Assigned To' dropdown only finds 25 users
- Bug: New or Updated Incident Trigger: Ignores the specified event type Triggering for all event types.
- Bug: New or Updated Incident Sample data does not match live Zap data
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Document Completed sending through blank docs
New actions:
- Send Channel Message
- Send DM
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Failures in Podio New Action Trigger: 'Error while hydrating data from Podio: Process exited before completing request' Error When Retrieving Related Items with Large Datasets from Other Podio apps — Relational database kind of issue
- Bug: New Item New Action and Update Item triggers only providing one value for multiselect field
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: 'New Lead' event is not triggering
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Trigger: New Contact live run data does not match sample data
QuickBooks Online
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Estimate Trigger Not Pulling All Custom Fields
- Bug: Update Product Action Fails with 'Request has invalid or unsupported property' Error When Updating Class Field
- Bug: Get Attachment Action: Not retuning a usable file attachment field
- Bug: 'New Payment' trigger not triggering
- Bug: Create Product/Service Action returning the error 'ParentRef is either required or not if SubItem is true or false.'
New searches:
- Find Fundraiser by ID
New triggers:
- New or Updated File on Record
New actions:
- Create Enhanced Note
- Delete Record
- Send Email
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Feature: New Trigger: New File
- Feature: New Action: Find Task
- Feature: Create Record ContentNote type: Allow linking to another Salesforce record
- Feature: Add the ability to allow duplicate record creation for Create actions
- Feature: 'Create Record' support for event platform objects ending in `__e`
- Feature: New Action: Delete Record
- Feature: Create Contact action: ability to add a tag to a contact
- Feature: New Action: Send Email
- Feature: Support data with apostrophes in Find Record by Query
- Bug: Create Enhanced Note Error: Could not link note to record
- Feature: Create Record Include additional information in the popup for the field 'Allow Duplicates [Yes] or [No]'
New actions:
- Create Gift Card
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Update Product Variant: error This Shopify step hit an error InputObject 'ProductVariantsBulkInput' doesn't accept argument 'sku' after update to 202501 API version
- Bug: 'Product' field in several actions will not display the complete Product list in the user's account. [Workaround]
- Bug: Update Order: Error 'Required parameter missing or invalid'.
- Bug: Find or Create a Customer fails to find existing customer and errors on create
- Feature: New Action: Create Gift Card
- Feature: Update Customer action Add 'Send Email Invite' field
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Send Private Channel Message 504 Error from `api/files.upload` Endpoint
- Feature: Ability to send a Direct Message from user not slackbot
- Feature: Send Private Channel Message in Slack Modify Help Text that says '...the trigger will work even if you are not a member of the channel.'
- Bug: Send Channel Message and Send Private Channel Message including an attachment Action succeeds but is marked as errored when posting to private channel Cannot convert undefined or null to object
- Bug: New Mention: Fails to Retrieve Samples for Highlight Word
- Bug: Slack Hydration Errors in New Mention trigger
- Bug: Update Profile: Not updating the correct profile
- Feature: Add 'Display Name' field to the 'Update Profile' Action so that users can update Display names
- Bug: Send Private Channel Message no_permission error when sending message
- Bug: Some Zap runs are transforming angle brackets < > to their HTML character entities
SMTP by Zapier
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Send Email No Content in received email
New triggers:
- New Visit
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Trigger: Updated Subscription previous_attributes field missing in perform output
- Bug: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined reading 'has_more' returned in Updated Subscription trigger
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Product Purchase trigger sample data does not match running zap webhook
Ticket Tailor
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Authentication error 'JSON results object could not be located' when reconnecting the app
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Find/Create Card action does not follow the checklist order specified in the Zap
- Feature: Create Card: Add Checklist Items in order
- Bug: Create Card: Location not being added to Card
Webhooks by Zapier
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Updated POST Webhook app 1.0.3 doesn't work for CSV files under 5MB but the Legacy version does
- Bug: Possible Regression in Header handling for the GET action when fetching files
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Subscription Entry is no longer returning the FIle object if the form is requesting a file to be uploaded.
- Bug: Authentication: Response payload size exceeded maximum allowed payload size 6291556 bytes
New triggers:
- New Report
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Sales Invoice: Running twice for one invoice
- Bug: Trigger: 'Updated Sales Invoice' and 'New Sales Invoice' 'Error while hydrating data from Xero: Xero throttling
- Bug: New Sales Invoice: Triggering on Old Data
- Bug: New Sales Invoice intermittently not triggering. Logs show 'duplicate hook skipping processing'
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Authentication 404 User Not Found error
Zoho Calendar
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: [Create New Event] Event Dates for AllDay Events are Converted to Date+Time with Unwanted Time Zone Component
Zoho CRM
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: Action: Create Module Entry Unable to create entry in module required field not found. Detail : api_name $se_module
Resolved user-reported issues:
- Bug: New Meeting Ended trigger: 'Error while retrieving: Invalid time value' when trying to load test records
- Bug: New Meeting Summary: Zap does not trigger