We've got good news! It's now possible to use shared inboxes and calendars with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365!
First, if you already have an account connected to Zapier, I would recommend that you reconnect it, to ensure your Zap can pick up on the new feature.
You can use any inbox you have "read" access to, by typing in the address of the shared inbox.
All calendars you have "read" access for should appear in the "Calendar" dropdown menu.
Specify an inbox in the "From" address, to send emails from that address.
All calendars you have "write" access for should appear in the "Calendar" dropdown menu.
Troubleshooting for shared inboxes
If you get an error (usually a 404 error) when trying to use the inbox-related fields, make sure the address was typed correctly and that you have proper access to that inbox. You can also try to reconnect the account.