I am experiencing issues with the Whisper integration. When I attempt to transcribe an audio file, I receive a "504 Gateway Time-out" error.
The weird thing is that is used to work for me. Unreliably but still. I could wait a couple hours and it would usually work again.
It completely stopped working a couple weeks ago. I thought it was just a temporary thing at the beginning, but it seems the issue persists.
I found 2 other people with similar issues :
- https://community.zapier.com/topic/show?tid=26917&fid=99
- https://community.zapier.com/topic/show?tid=26592&fid=3
But no one came up with a solution.
What I know :
- The issue is not related to the audio file itself, as the exact same file was successfully transcribed in a Zap previously.
- The Zap that used to work is also experiencing the same error now.
- The same setup works on Make, your competitor, so it looks like it’s a Zapier issue. (I tested using the exact same 31min audio file!)
I already contacted support but I honestly doubt they’ll be able to help. Last time when facing issues with the OpenAI integration, I was told to contact OpenAI directly. But now that I know it works on Make, I figure it must be a problem on your end?
Could someone on your team really look at this? Make is cool and all, but I prefer Zapier’s interface. 😅