I am using Microsoft "Excel - Find Row" and using a hard-coded Lookup Value.
When I run it, it doesn't find the value in my data, although it exists, and instead gives me an error.
The value is just a string. I can also use “6” which is in every row in that column, but it does not return any results.
What am I doing wrong?
Best answer by sd2024Best answer by sd2024
@Troy Tessalone I think I figured it out. The issue was the file I was working on on Zapier and the file that I am looking at on Excel is different. Their names were very similar, but they are not the same.
I created a Table in the file I have in Excel, and it didn’t show up on Zapier.
Thanks for getting back to me. The entire row is not blank, and rows contain data in other columns. I did not include the data in the screenshot as it is sensitive data.
Do you mean it can’t have blank data in that column for the lookup?
Unfortunately, I can’t change to a better platform. But I do agree that other platforms are better.
@Troy Tessalone I made the changes now and added data into the column where it was blank, and it didn’t change the outcome and still has the issue/error.
I also re-selected each dropdown field value, as per your suggestion.
@Troy Tessalone I get that “ID” from Trello in a previous step. In the live case, there is “no data”, so I have to rely on the test output in order to map data to steps thereafter.
I tried with other values and for each it gave the same error message.
@Troy Tessalone I think I figured it out. The issue was the file I was working on on Zapier and the file that I am looking at on Excel is different. Their names were very similar, but they are not the same.
I created a Table in the file I have in Excel, and it didn’t show up on Zapier.