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Egnyte/Google Drive uploads from Squadcast - "Runtime exited with error: signal: killed" error


Hi @MKWCreativeCo. Did you get anywhere with this? Any time I’ve tried automatically uploading things from Squadcast to Google Drive or Egnyte with Zapier, they’ve failed. I thought it was perhaps to do with the files being too big, but surely a 16 MB MP3 should be fine…

My setup is:

New Audio Recording Available → Upload File to Google Drive / Upload File to Egnyte.


It sometimes works for smaller files, eg a 7 MB MP3. But anything much bigger than that and it fails, saying --- Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed


Another annoyance with Squadcast is that the [New Recording Available trigger] doesn’t include the name of the session or show, so you don’t have any useful information for organizing the files even if they do successfully upload. The [Recording Session Ended] trigger does include the name of the show and session, but it doesn’t seem possible to include two triggers in one Zap so that you can reference the fields of one trigger event in the actions triggered by another.


@Troy Tessalone It would be great if you could shed any light here. Thanks you.

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Community Manager
  • Community Manager
  • 7502 replies
  • March 27, 2024

Hi @ConfoundedSquadcaster 

Hope you don’t mind but we’ve moved your post out into its own topic so we can help troubleshoot this error here separately.

It sometimes works for smaller files, eg a 7 MB MP3. But anything much bigger than that and it fails, saying --- Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed

It’s odd that it wasn’t able to upload the 16 MB file. Looking at the Egnyte’s API documentation it suggests using their Chunked Upload flow for files over 100 MB so it’s likely that their current Upload File action won’t be able to handle files over 100MB:
Were the files that errored mostly ones that were over 100MB? Or is it consistently not uploading files that are larger than 7 MB but are smaller than 100MB?

If that’s happening consistently, then I’d suggest reaching out to the Support team about this, as it could be that there’s a bug that needs to be investigate further. 

If it’s not consistently happening, it could just be that at the time the Zap ran it had some trouble accessing the server. If that’s the case then it should be possible to replay the failed runs of the Zap later on and have them go through successfully. Can you give that a try and let me know if they replay successfully?

Another annoyance with Squadcast is that the [New Recording Available trigger] doesn’t include the name of the session or show, so you don’t have any useful information for organizing the files even if they do successfully upload. The [Recording Session Ended] trigger does include the name of the show and session, but it doesn’t seem possible to include two triggers in one Zap so that you can reference the fields of one trigger event in the actions triggered by another.

That’s correct, it’s not possible for one Zap to have two triggers. I couldn’t see any existing feature requests for the New Recording Available trigger to have the session/show details included, so again I’d recommend contacting our Support team and ask that they open up a feature request on your behalf. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Hi @SamB 

Thanks very much for the help with this. 


>Were the files that errored mostly ones that were over 100MB? Or is it consistently not uploading files that are larger than 7 MB but are smaller than 100MB?

The files were 16 MB, and seemed to fail to upload to either Egnyte or Google Drive. 


I’ll try to layout the sequence of events as best I can remember:


I did a short test recording with 3 participants.

When the short recording was ended, the 3 MP3s which were 7 MB each uploaded successfully to Egnyte.

I did a longer recording, and of the three 3 MP3s for this longer section, only one of the three successfully uploaded. It was 16 MB and the other two files would have been the same size/duration.

I believe the same thing happened with Google Drive, which was surprising.


I’ll add more details if I can, but that’s what I can recall for now.



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  • Community Manager
  • 7502 replies
  • March 28, 2024

Thanks for getting back to me @ConfoundedSquadcaster.

Ah I see. If the same error was occurring when uploading the files to both Egnyte and Google Drive then it’s likely that the cause of the issue lies with the SquadCast app as it’s supplying the file to both apps. I did some checking on this end and couldn’t see any bug reports for SquadCast that match this behaviour so it would be best to reach out to Support team via the form at the bottom of the page here:, so that they can open up a bug report to get this fixed.

In the meantime, can you confirm whether replaying the failed runs of the Zap allowed the files to be uploaded successfully? And, if you visit the URL for a file that wasn’t uploaded can the file be downloaded successfully from SquadCast?

Just wondering if it could be that at the time the Zap ran and errored, the file hadn’t fully finished being processed on SquadCast’s end. In which case adding a Delay to the Zap before attempting to upload the file might help to get around the issue. Do you think that could be the case here?