I have been running into this issue when connected my Wordpress site with the Zapier plugin

authentication failed: WordPress ran into an issue. Error code 401: <strong>Error:</strong> The password you entered for the username <strong>USERNAME</strong> is incorrect. <a href="https://SITENAME.wpcomstaging.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword">Lost your password?</a>
I have verified my email, username and password are all working fine.
I have also attempted to create a user account for Zapier (listed on the Zapier help doc here, step #2) but when I attempt to add a user called Zapier it says “User invites blocked” so I cannot add zapier as a user at all.
Some more info on my Wordpress setup:
- Zapier plugin is active on my WP site
- Do not have 2FA enabled
- Using the latest version 6.4.2 of Wordpress
- Cannot uninstall the JetPack plugin (looks like it’s default part of the latest Wordpress versions. I noticed this was mentioned in other posts
- Get the same issue when I try another user
Any thoughts or suggestions on how to troubleshoot? Thanks in advance!