I have a zap that moves and renames a folder in Dropbox. The structure of the folder names is [project name] [project number]
, so an example would be Zapier 523.553.229
The zap needs to rename the folder to replace the project number to a different number. No matter what I try, the “Rename File” Dropbox action does rename the folder, but it thinks that the last 4 characters of the folder name are an extension. This means that when I try to rename Zapier 523.553.229
to use its new new 111.222.333 job number for example, the Zap renames the folder to Zapier 111.222.333.229
- meaning that it kept the .229 from the original file name, thinking that its an extension.
How do I get it to not think that the last 4 characters (i.e. the “.229” in the example above), and rename the folder correctly (i.e. Zapier 111.222.333
Thank you all!