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Instagram: Publish Photo - "Photo Field is missing"

I’m creating a custom GPTs.  I am a photographer.  I want to drag a photo into the GPTs, have it create a caption, then publish the photo and caption to Instagram and/or Facebook.  Everything is working fine, except when it tries to post to either platform, it comes back with “Photo field is missing”.  

Since GPTs can’t seem to use the image I drag into it directly, I created a text document with all of the image file names from my portfolio, and gave that to the GPTs.  The first step I have the GPTs do is scan a Google Drive folder for the filename of the image I dragged into the chat, and find the file ID for it in Drive.  I then have the GPTs format the URL to be  (This is the format that the Zapier help bot recommended).  

The GPTs is then instructed to make the post in Instagram using the caption it created, and use the URL to put in the “photo” field for Instagram.  But it always sends back an error saying the photo is missing.  

I DO have a business account, I do have the user permissions, and everything seems set up correctly.  What am I missing?  Or is there another way?  Thanks!  

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  • Zapier Staff
  • 6403 replies
  • December 6, 2023

Hi there @TrevorMercer,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind sharing a detailed screenshot of how your Zap is configured? Also, could you please send a screenshot of the “Action” section that shows all of its field of your action step?

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.


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  • December 7, 2023

Hi Ken, thanks for your response.  This is a custom GPTs I’m building inside of Chat GPT using Zapier’s AI Actions, found at this page: .  I don’t think I’m using a “’zap” in this process, but maybe I’m missing something or misunderstanding terminology.  Inside of the GPTs configuration tab, I’ve listed the action and the URL for that action.  Following the steps found here: . Everything is working fine for the Google Drive action, but both Instagram and Facebook return a “photo missing” error when trying to post using that action.  I’ve attached a screenshot of the Instagram AI Action setup page, not sure if that is helpful.  But notice in the photo section it says you can use a URL.  I’ve tried several different formats of the URL link from Drive, tested to work fine in a browser, but I’m not sure why Instagram or Facebook won’t accept it.  Any insight would be helpful, thanks!  


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  • December 8, 2023

Thanks for sharing that screenshot here @TrevorMercer! Hope you don’t mind me hopping in to see if I can lend a hand with this. 🙂

You’re correct, the AI Actions aren’t located within a Zap they are two separate things. With the URLs that the GPT is creating, when you tested them in your browser were you still logged into your Google Account?

If so, can you try viewing them while being logged out of your Google Account to confirm that they are definitely publicly-accessible

If they’re not viewable, it may be that the permissions need to be changed on the files in Google Drive in order for them to be publicly-accessible. Do you think that could be the case here or are they all already publicly-accessible files? Looking forward to hearing from you!

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  • December 9, 2023

Hi, Sam.  I did make the entire folder of images available to anyone with the link, and did indeed test the link in a different browser not logged into Google.  It opened up just fine.  Any other suggestions?  Thanks!

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  • December 13, 2023

Thanks for confirming that @TrevorMercer. That’s very odd indeed. I think at this point it might be best to reach out to the Zapier AI support team so they can investigate further. AI actions are an alpha product meaning they’re still in active development so it may well be that you’ve stumbled across a new bug that’s surfaced from some recent changes. You can get in touch with them via the contact form here:

Sorry to not have a more immediate solution or workaround to suggest right now. Please do keep us updated on how you get on with them, want to ensure this gets sorted!

  • New
  • 1 reply
  • January 17, 2024

Does anyone have any solution to this I am coming up against the exact same problem. 


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  • January 17, 2024

Hi there @wingingit, thanks for reaching out here! 👋

Sorry to hear you’re running into the same problem here. I’m not sure whether TrevorMercer was able to get this solved, it doesn’t appear that they reached out to the support team about this.

If you temporarily enter the same URL for the image, that ChatGPT has generated, into the Photo field on that AI Action and test it does it successfully run the action? As well as an image file it didn’t generate? Just wondering if it’s an issue might be linked to the URLs it’s generating.

Keen to help get this sorted so please let me know how you get on with those tests!

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  • January 19, 2024

I haven’t reached out to the Zapier AI team, as I honestly just got frustrated and gave up lol.  But I haven’t solved the issue, yet.  I’m not sure how to manually enter the URL into the AI action?  

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  • January 19, 2024

Totally understandable, @TrevorMercer. Happy to give some further details on how to go about that test.

From the actions setup window for your GPT you’d select your Instagram AI action and then in the Photo field select the Set a specific value for this field option. That will then load a new field just below it, where you can enter in the urls manually:

And you can test out the actions using the live demo feature here:

Look forward to hearing how that goes! 🙂