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Wocommerce - Uscreen Integration | Assign user with right subscriptions


Hi there!

I have a big problem with config my Zap: Woocommerce - Uscreen.
Actually in our Woo we have 3 subscriptions products witch correspond to 3 packages of videos on USCREEN (PODSTAWOWY, STANDARD, PREMIUM). 

Zapier should: when subscribe will change status to active, using filter (product name from woo), should assign user (or create) in uscreen and give permision to specific subs. 

Every time when someone bought 1 sub in woo, I received 2 troubleshooting problem mail (from two different zaps). 

The account is created correct, but the wrong video package is assigned. 
The packages are also assigned accordingly.


I have three zaps for each subs (name, email and uscreen subs are changed).


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4 replies

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Malwa 

Good question.

The Filter conditions as configured in the screenshot will always evaluate to TRUE and pass, since the left side and right side are being compared to itself.

You need to set static values for the right side.


  • Author
  • New
  • 1 reply
  • August 24, 2023

Hello Troy!
I understand - but items name is the static value. I try to change filtrer  from line items to SKU number and the problem is repeated.



Troy Tessalone


For example if you wanted to match on the SKU # XYZ, then in the right side you would enter a hardcoded static value of XYZ.

You would not select a dynamic variable from a previous Zap step for the right side value of a condition.

We would need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap Filter conditions are configured.

Troy Tessalone


It would look similar to this: