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Can hidden field in typeform be found back in Zapier as an available field to select?

  • August 23, 2023
  • 1 reply

Kristina Selviesiuk


I would like to create a zap which adds a tag to a contact in Active Campaign once they have submitted the Typeform. But in Typeform we do not ask e-mail because it is sent to existing customers. So neither e-mail field nor id can be filled in in Zapier. We have however added Hidden Field “email” in Typeform. But we do not see it back in Zapier to be able to select it a s a field in Email.


How could that be fixed?

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1 reply

Troy Tessalone

Hi @Kristina Selviesiuk 

Good question.

Make sure you’ve filled out a test Typeform submission as the end user would, and are using that as your Zap trigger example to configure the Zap steps.

Try searching for @ to see if there is an email address value.