I am trying to proof a customer that Zapier can help in connecting SQL Server to other systems. When creating a new transfer, I am asked to enter a query which is not working. The source of the data in an SQL view which does not have a column named 'id’, instead the unique identifier called 'key'.
It seems the query is expecting to get a column named íd’, the error details can be found below. How can I query tables without a column named íd'?
Error during execution: (pyodbc.ProgrammingError) ('42S22', "[42S22] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'id'. (207) (SQLExecDirectW)") [SQL: SELECT TOP (100) "Customer Number" FROM ****.dbo.**** ORDER BY "Customer Number", ****.dbo.****.id ASC] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/f405)