Hey there @Ege_Aksungur,
Welcome to the Community! 🎉
I did some digging into this, and it appears that you're not the only one experiencing this issue. We've discovered that Freshdesk is currently only returning the latest ticket on this particular action step, rather than searching for what you need.
Our team has already filed a bug report with Freshdesk for this issue, and I've added your email address to the list of affected users. While we don't have an exact timeframe for when this issue will be resolved, we'll make sure to keep you updated via email as soon as we have any updates.
If you'd like, you could also reach out to Freshdesk directly about this bug, as hearing from customers often helps prioritize the issue.
I understand that this isn't an immediate solution, but I hope that this information provides some context on why the issue is occurring and reassures you that we're actively working towards a resolution.
I wish I have something better to show you. Let us know how we can assist you further. Always happy to lend a hand.