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Google Sheets error: "The DATEVALUE parameter "April 5, 2023 " cannot be parsed as a date/time."


Hi I have a big issue. I am trying to automate my work tasks and I have an account in google sheets which is linked to my Calendly and it downloads all the data from calendly into different collumns on my google sheets. One of them is the time. The cell with the time and date expresses the date in this form"07:00pm - Wednesday, April 5, 2023". I wanted to created an specific number for each one as sometimes i get interviews in my agenda from different days and i wanted the dates to be ordered from monday to friday each day with the correct hours. I had managed to do that with this formula
But today, it collapsed and I dont know why.
I wanted to know if there is a way in which I can again make it work or use a similar formula.
i will show how it used to look:

NUMBER VALUE TIME from calendly

45019,20833 05:00pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
45019,22222 05:20pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
45019,23611 05:40pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
45019,25 06:00pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
45019,26389 06:20pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
45019,27778 06:40pm - Monday, April 3, 2023
and now i have a message of error that says "El parámetro "April 5, 2023 " de DATEVALUE no se puede analizar como fecha/hora."

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  • Zapier Staff
  • 404 replies
  • April 4, 2023

Hi @agustina 

Welcome to the Community! I'm sorry you’re having trouble with your Zap.

Can you try basic troubleshooting by turning the Zap off and back on again after a minute? Doing it will give a fresh start for the Zap!

Hopefully this helps!

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2115 replies
  • April 4, 2023

Hi @agustina!

By the sounds of it, this might be an error in Google Sheets directly, and not related to Zapier (especially since you’re using a formula that references cells).

If you add things directly in Google Sheets, do you still get these errors? 

NOTE: To help me understand what that formula is doing, I ran it through ChatGPT and received this:

This formula in Google Sheets performs two functions:

  • DERECHA(B20;LARGO(B20)-ENCONTRAR(",";B20)-1) extracts the characters to the right of cell B20 until it finds a comma "," and subtracts 1 from the total length of cell B20.
  • FECHANUMERO converts the result obtained above into a date value in numeric format.
  • IZQUIERDA(B20;5) extracts the first 5 characters of cell B20, assuming it represents a time in text format.
  • HORANUMERO converts the result obtained above into a time value in numeric format.

Finally, both functions are summed together to obtain the final result, which could be a combined date and time value in numeric format. It's important to note that the output may depend on the content of cell B20 and the date/time format used in the system. It may require adjustments based on the specific date and time formatting requirements.


Does that description seem accurate?

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • April 5, 2023

Hi Nick I understand, the thing is that no formula in google sheets can help me automate the docs correctly as the time that gets downloaded from calendly is a very complez string to be able to separate and program. The dates in my sheets appear like this “07:00pm - Wednesday, April 5, 2023" and i wanted to know if here is a way in which i can change the format of the date in zapier so that in google sheets it is easier to program a formula. Thanks!

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2653 replies
  • April 5, 2023

Hey there, @agustina! Thanks for those details!
You could try using Formatter by Zapier to get the date formatted correctly. It has a Date/Time feature that sounds like it may be what you’re looking for.

Full transparency though, this requires at least a Starter plan to access Formatter and multi-step zaps.

If you do decide to go that route here’s a few more resources:

I hope some of this helps! 

  • Author
  • Beginner
  • 4 replies
  • April 6, 2023


Hi thanks for that! I have an issue , Im using calendly as a trigger to pass down the info of my candidates to

google sheets, putting as a intermediate the formatter by zapier. The thing is that it is not working corectly and I dont know why.

The entry on calendly for the date looks like this “07:20am - Thursday, April 11, 2023”, with the formatting i want it to look like this “DD/MM/YY  HH:MM”, the formatter permits it, but when I try the test out from the input “07:20am - Thursday, April 11, 2023” the output returns” 06/04/23 00:04” which is not either the exact date nor time, and the time is supposed to be the same timezone and everything. I can send you the screens shots of the process



  • Zapier Staff
  • 3731 replies
  • April 6, 2023

Hi @agustina 

Hmm, that’s an odd one. Is there another Calendly field that you could use? I can see that the field is called ‘start time pretty’, ‘pretty’ is generally software speak for writing like a human. Calendly has a field called ‘Start time’ that will give you a format similar to this: 2023-04-06T10:00:00-06:00 That field will work better in the Formatter step. 

When you’re working with time/date fields it’s also important to check the timezone for the Zap, and for each of the apps that you’re using. You can find the timezone in the Zap settings:

I hope that helps, let us know how you get on!

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • April 6, 2023

Great! I did that and it almost works, It gives me the correct date but the time is a little bit off, instead of 19:20 it gives me 19:04


Also, when I test everything on my google sheet , the new entry appears on the top where thr names of the columns are, how do I change that to be the last?


  • Zapier Staff
  • 2653 replies
  • April 6, 2023

Huh, that’s interesting. 🤔

In the Formatter step, is the “from format” dropdown filled out?

I’m wondering if it’s reading the incoming date wrong and so the output is wonky.

Regarding the spreadsheet, Google Sheets is super particular about formatting. Usually when the row is being inserted at the top this because the first column is hidden or missing a header. Usually making column A visible and/or adding a header fixes it.

Could you give that a shot? 🤞🏽 Be sure to turn your zap off while making any changes in the spreadsheet as that can also cause some weird behavior in the zap. 🙂

  • Author
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  • 4 replies
  • April 6, 2023

It is not filled out

what should i do?

  • Zapier Staff
  • 2653 replies
  • April 7, 2023

That field explicitly tells the Formatter step what the incoming date/time format is juust in case it gets it wrong. 🙂

Can you click the dropdown and select whichever one matches the incoming Calendly date/time? It’ll probably look something like: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00-00:00