I have been given the same solution in Zapier community by staff member Paolo and also by email support from Abdullah. But I was afraid this procedure might worry me about not having two files with the same names. So, I googled how to create a direct download link for Google drive file.
https://www.makeuseof.com/create-direct-link-google-drive-files/ - it has instructions for manually creating a download link and a link generator script.
So, I created excel formula which would substitute file/d with uc?=id and /view?usp=drivesdk with &export=download
So I have a column with the correct download links for the zap.
So, yes, I was correct, zap considers shared drive links in the sheet field as text and not as a source of a file.
My next step will be to make additional zap to take all new videos when they appear in a specific drive folder and populate them as new raws in sheet so I don't have to do anything except upload videos. And then zap takes them to Google sheet and from the sheet to YouTube and from YouTube to social platforms. 😳🥱👍
I only suggest if Zap support in the future can be faster and also include as many tricks like this as possible in online help pages because it would make Zapier it so much quicker, easier, and more productive. Especially if we are paying users it would be nice not to wait for days for the solution. 😊
So, I am sending this solution to both: email support and the Zapier community forum. I hope it is helpful to others who wish to automate as much media and social work as possible. 🤓✌️