I have multiple integrations between hubspot and microsoft to-do using Zapier. I’m the admin for the hubspot and the zapier account.
We also have a team zapier account and have created differen zaps in a shared team file.
When my team members copy a zap and transfer it to their home folder, the zaps are turning up the following error message:
Unable to create task "______ is overdue for a DEXA!". Error code 404: Item 'AQMkAGM2Yzg5MGQ1LTAxMDctNDIxNy04YTA2LTVlNDg5ZjdiZmFkZQAuAAADDDmFBmJskkKwttzoJRuFjQEAWO-zd8paPkSKab-1NhxrwQAAAgESAAAA' doesn't belong to the targeted mailbox 'a404dda8-697