I have a nested array of JSON data from a Zoom registration data. I’ve set up a code and a loop, but I can’t figure out how to pass the array into the loop. It always only seems to offer the option to pass the first value in the array into the loop. The loop step will contain several other steps to push the Zoom registrant data into Salesforce as a Contact, create an attendance record for the contact, etc. What am I missing here?
I’ve parsed the JSON array using a Code step using the below code:

Here’s a sample record from the JSON array:
{"page_size":30,"total_records":2,"next_page_token":"","registrants":[{"id":"LDFi9OrpTAqHgidqW8lekw","first_name":"Other Tester","last_name":"Testing A Lot","email":"roger.miller@idlewildinc.com","address":"","city":"Oakland","country":"US","zip":"94610","state":"CA","phone":"","industry":"","org":"Idlewild","job_title":"Consultant","purchasing_time_frame":"","role_in_purchase_process":"","no_of_employees":"","comments":"","custom_questions":[{"title":"Preferred Pronoun","value":"Them/They/Their"},{"title":"My Race/ethnicity identity is best described as:","value":"Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander"},{"title":"My gender or gender identity is best described as:","value":"Genderqueer"},{"title":"What target populations does your organization or program serve? (if your organization does not have a target population and serves general job seekers, check that option)","value":"Immigrants/Refugees/Asylum Seekers"},{"title":"If your organization serves more than one population category, feel free to write them in the text box.","value":"Everyone"},{"title":"How did you hear about us?","value":"Google Search"},{"title":"Would you like to be added to WPTI's email/mailing list?","value":"No"}],"status":"approved","create_time":"2024-09-25T16:45:27Z","join_url":"https://wpti-org.zoom.us/w/83693121021?tk=AJyZCtRtGGmCpKO7TNupS62WIr5Ycpoi_jh97spj3Lc.DQcAAAATfH-t_RZMREZpOU9ycFRBcUhnaWRxVzhsZWt3AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=9e3Rc3VEGdgL9K52Ki5Lz33VOYemhr.1"}
Here’s the array returned by the Code step:

The loop that I’m using is a Create Loop from Line Items Loop:

But the loop values returned only include the first iteration: