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How to extract Text from Google Doc to post on Facebook Group


Hi there,

I want to post to Facebook group using Google Docs as the Description text and .pngfrom google Drive as the photo itself.


Everything has worked out so far, except that Zapier does not extract the right Text from the google Document.

Instead I get a code, which I can’t understand or identify.

In the Facebook group then, Zapier post the right picture but with a Download link that will give you a “.docx” File if you klick on it


I included a couple of Screenshots to give further insight into my issue:

  • Zap 
  • Google Doc (from which the Text is supposed to be extracted)
  • Facebook Post with the wrong text Description (Instead I get a Link/code)


I already found another post ion this forum, which recommended using Zapier Webhook “GET” as. workaround, but I still get the encoded Text instead of the actual plain Text.


Any suggestions?



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5 replies

Troy Tessalone

Hi @engineer1 

Good question.

If you are trying to get the GDoc content, then try using this variable in the GET request.


Sandra Hoffmann
Troy Tessalone wrote:

Hi @engineer1 

Good question.

If you are trying to get the GDoc content, then try using this variable in the GET request.


Hi Troy,


where exactly should I put this variable? In the URL or in one of the data fields?

Troy Tessalone

@Sandra Hoffmann 

In the URL.


Example 3

Using a GDoc file from GDrive.

Use this variable: Export Links Text Plain



Sandra Hoffmann
Troy Tessalone wrote:

@Sandra Hoffmann

In the URL.


Example 3

Using a GDoc file from GDrive.

Use this variable: Export Links Text Plain


Thank you! It works if I add a file sharing preference first.

Sandra Hoffmann
Troy Tessalone wrote:

@Sandra Hoffmann

In the URL.


Example 3

Using a GDoc file from GDrive.

Use this variable: Export Links Text Plain


Example 2 of your linked topic isn’t working anymore. At least in my case (tested in two different accounts).